Hi, I wonder about start playing bishop or i/l. Benefits from bishop is obvious. But how about i/l? Nobody want u at run boss, leech is also harder to sell because u have not HS (dont have mule). Whole game solo grinding? Bishop is the only one good choice ?
If you're looking for all the things you've said, then Bishops are the clear obvious choice. Arch Mages are more of a solo challenge.
Depends on where, but many bishops already sell for like 40-45m (depending on location and hit ofc) I would say you're not gonna get more than 30m max without hs. Maybe 20m is more accurate. People would much rather pay 10m extra for exponentially more exp.
Bish to dobry wybór jeśli chesz brać udział w różnych bossach co też przyniesie Ci pieniądze. Jednak i/l albo f/p jest lepszy jeśli chodzi o leech (pod warunkiem, że masz hs mule) 1hit i/l lub f/p na petris to najszybszy leech w grze lepszy niz 1hit skele i droższy. Ale żebyś mógł mieć petris na 1hit musisz mieć dość wyskoki lv albo dobre eq. Moja kolezanka jest 170lv f/p ma dobry eq i moze juz 1hit petris. Szczerze jednak bish jest lepszym wyborem jak już mówiłam, możesz iść na bossy i nie musisz mieć hs mule, wiec myślę, że jest to ciekawsze niż i/l lub f/p, który jest głównie tylko do trenowania.
Yes, there is a good difference between how much a mage will do and bishop will do. (in early 4th job anyways) i/l or f/p have immensely cheaper skill books compared to bishop, and for people who enjoy solo play are many times more enjoyable to play before 4th job (IMO of course). If you're willing to put in the effort the bishop requires to be good, bishops are really good, but if you think you'll enjoy a mage far more then don't shy away from it.
At least i will take bish just because of bosses but.... everyone have bishop mule so is it really worth to make for this reason?