Name :andy Ign :aribris Job/Level : assain 41 Activeness : 8 Why Fade? :u guys look like a fun guild to chill with=) met one of ur guild members vixin hes cool=) About self : fricken game to much. love watching anime. like kicking it with friends and i like to pet my cat..............
Rejected. I heard you're a 'very nice' person. We don't accept nice people sorry. You can, however, whisper one of our jr's for a defame.
Name :Melvin Ign : Taxation Job/Level : level 111 corsair Activeness : I play almost everyday unless I have school Why Fade? : because I think fade seems like a fun guild About self I am from the future ! Mar
Accepted! Please pm me or one of the jrs in-game to get an invite. Welcome to Fade!! Hope you get to have fun as we get along
Name : Sophia Ign : SawakoChan Job/Level : level 175 bowmaster Activeness : 8 Why Fade? : Some of my friends are there and I want to try a new guild About self: I am a frog
Hi Sophia!! Welcome to Fade! It'll be great to have you in the guild. Please pm me or one of the juniors in game to get an invite. ps: I think I've HT-ed with you before, probably just once.
Name: Winicius Ign: Hihiou Job/Level: Dark Knight 138 Activeness: 9.9 i think lol Why Fade?: Well ... I have some friends there and they had me call to the guild: v About self: I am Brazilian, 18 years old and just like to spend all day playing maple. And, i hate Jay. f3
Name :Benshy Ign : BenPeanut Job/Level : level 48 spearman Activeness : 9.5 (almost everyday) Why Fade? : because I love a song named fade so I'm interested in joining this guild About self: A league of legends player and at the age of 18~
Hi Benshy! We're glad to accept you into the guild!! Please pm one of the juniors above for an invite in game.
Name:Norandom. Ign:themage124. Job/Level :Wizard ice lighting/61. Activeness :7 /whenever I wan to go online I go on and when I don wan go online I will not on Why Fade :I will help them contribute and will help them make a strong guild and I need a really good guild to contribute like your Guild. About Yourself : I am a 20 years old guy that live in Malaysia and I play maple story seen 2005 till now And I am a 13 grader and I love all kind of music English song and Chinese song and I only play maple royals only and nothing else