Selling the following items; TMA29 MapleShield 10 INT 19 M.ATT S/B = 1.2B A/W = 1.5B ------------------------------------ TMA 32 Mapleshield 11 INT 21 M.ATT C/0 - none A/W - MAX Mesos -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Items will be sold when A/W is met or when offer is satisfactory. Sold items & prices Spoiler Dex 25 Bathrobe - M 0 slots C/O - none A/W - 300m SOLD for 250m --------------------------------------- TMA 12 Yellow Work Gloves 7 INT 5 M.ATT C/O - 150m A/W - 270m SOLD at A/W --------------------------------------- WA 11 StormCaster Gloves A/W 100m SOLD at A/W ------------------------------------ WA 6, 4 slots Facestomper A/W - 2b SOLD at A/W ---------------------------------------