Name: Sheena Age: 29 In-game Name: Lcequeen Country (Timezone): United States. Central Describe yourself briefly: I am reserved until you get to know me. I love spam! <3 spam away I play whenever I can.. Literally And i'm a mother of two <3 What do you like about Home?: I like the emblem. I like the name. Also I see some familiar igns up there How often do you play Royals?: Everyday! What is your intention behind playing?: Leveling, Helping new people, meeting new friends and having "me time" Do you have Skype? [optional]: yes, but I don't use it
Name: Catherine Age: 22 In-game Name: Mousse Country (Timezone): Canada (GMT-4) Describe yourself briefly: Im usually by myself grinding or helping people out, but i love having a friendly guild to chat with <3 What do you like about Home?: You all seem crazy in a good way :3 It would be a cozy/warm place to stay How often do you play Royals?: Everyday, but not all day c: What is your intention behind playing?: Nostalgia. Trying to relive the experience I had by making new friends and doing things together Do you have Skype? [optional]: I do, if there's a group chat I would participate in it :] just no talking on mic or webcam for me :c
Welcome Home, Sheena and Catherine! Feel free to ask any online Junior for an invite to the guild! (Sorry for late responses, been a busy week! )
Name: Jason Age: 30 In-game Name: Vaikyria Country (Timezone): US EST Describe yourself briefly: Well, I've been on the server for about 8 months. Turns out I'm significantly more shy than I thought I was. Havent made as many friends as i have wanted as a result. Kind of afraid to bother people and give them a bad impression of me. This is me trying to shed that shy shell of mine What do you like about Home?: Every time I see the guild I think of my actual childhood home, parents and family dog. Feels like a welcoming place and would like to see if i couldnt fit in How often do you play Royals?: In between my 40+ hour a week job, and the occasional itch to rank up on League of Legends, i play probably 4-5 hours a day. What is your intention behind playing?: I swear I've been trying to hit 200 on a single character since my days back in 2006-2007. I'd like to finally reach that peak here, and while I'm on that journey to 200 maybe make a few friends and share some fun moments with them. Do you have Skype? [optional]: Sure do. I'm on everyday.
Boy, it has been ages since our guild thread was last updated. Thank you, @Koalas AKA fatfkwen, for always making the ugliest prettiest guild thread. Much love, xoxo.
Age:18 In-game Name: Dukameepo Country (Timezone): Hong Kong (+8) Describe yourself briefly: a normal student What do you like about Home?: Seems like a family i guess How often do you play Royals?: per day What is your intention behind playing?: love the OLD days and wanna join a community Do you have Skype? [optional]:yes
Age: 24 In-game Name: Sarcastic / Trove (Bishop) Country (Timezone): USA / p sure i'm like UTC-06:00 (Central Time Zone 2 hours ahead of Cali) Describe yourself briefly: Ayo o/ my name is Charlie & I am on my last semester going for my master's in finance & could not be any more happy that i'm almost finally done. I am basically a tall basic bitch white guy & love to be immature at the right times, then switch to serious mature mode when it's appropriate. I came to this server basically a couple months after Extalia's closure & was the #1 bowman on that server not that anyone gives a shit. & I guess I just didn't get everything I wanted out of it; I was probably ~7 days away from hitting 250. What do you like about Home?: I got super lucky with a guild that I joined on Extalia & met so many awesome people that I still speak to nowadays & even met one of them irl & am super good friends with them. It seems like what you have here is that you can all joke around & seem super close to eachother & that's what I kinda want to have. I go absolutely hamburgers in pretty much every game I play including MapleRoyals & it seems like there are some people hopefully(?) that are serious about the game the same way that I am. How often do you play Royals?: Everyday. I have a pretty lax schedule. What is your intention behind playing?: Obviously to have fun. More specifically would be to hit 200 on my marksman & achieve everything I wanted to as a kid that I just didn't have the brainpower to do at the time. There are so many things that I am going into blindly right now that I have no clue what I am doing but have loved every second of it. Do you have Skype? Yepyep. (You guys should look into "Discord" legit 100x better than skype.)
Ayy, welcome Home, Charlie! You'll fit right in! Contact any online Jr to be added! (And funny enough, we started using Discord not too long ago, so feel free to join that as well!)
Phy and I will officially be on leave starting 25 April 2016 till further notice. We should be back, but no promises, during the mid of June but may also not be due to attachment and major projects. We will still come online occasionally to gacha and stuffs, and hope to see you guys then again. Thanks to all who were actively online for the past 2 months, it has been great and i look forward to seeing you all again. Till then, stay well!
Age: 20 In-game Name: CoochieKilla Country (Timezone): PST USA Describe yourself briefly: I'm a college student attending school in southern cali, and I'm a really friendly and outgoing guy. I'm a college water polo player and I enjoy messing with people . What do you like about Home?: Seems like a very friendly environment. How often do you play Royals?: I play daily. What is your intention behind playing?: I play to make friends, grind, become rich Do you have Skype? [optional]: Yes
Hey! I heard from someone within the guild that there was an attempt to add me, but because I was already in a guild it failed. I left my previous guild and I'm ready w/ever any Jr's are on to add me!
Age: 17 (18 in a month !) In-game Name: DuckV2 Country (Timezone): EST Describe yourself briefly: I'm a senior in high school, graduating very soon. I previously played Royals but left because of time management issues. Now that school is coming to a close, I have all the time in the world . What do you like about Home?: It's pretty homey, ngl. How often do you play Royals?: I plan to play daily. What is your intention behind playing?: I play to have fun, talk with friends, and kill snails of course. Do you have Skype? [optional]: Yes
ACCEPTED!!!!!!! PM ANY JR TO JOIN!! Sorry it took you 2 weeks to catch a JR >_< Glad you're finally in now!
Age: 23 In-game Name: Azgerda Country (Timezone): (GMT+8) Describe yourself briefly: I'm currently a undergraduate student. I used to play extaliaMs until they are shut down by nexon. I'm active daily after my class in uni. Currently lvl 32 playing as a cleric and will keep up to be a priest and then bishop. Hehe. Training everyday alone in mapleroyal is boring Hope to join an active guild that will be by my side all time and if is better i hope we can train together because my level is low. What do you like about Home?: I'm new to this server and hope to make more friends in game because none of my uni friends want to play maple. And i saw your aim for this guild is to bring the home feeling to people and i like to have a family oriented guild in mapleroyal How often do you play Royals?: Daily after class (few hours a day) What is your intention behind playing?: I want to experience the maple life during my primary school period. Back then i don't have much time playing and people will keep insulting i'm weak because my damages is low. Heard this server is not pay-to-win server. I want to enjoy a community that will be helpful and don't insult people. Do you have Skype? [optional]: Nope ><