Hello! I need help. I've downloaded MapleRoyals three times; by Google Drive and MEGA. The thing is, everytime I go to play the game-- there isn't a single Mapleroyal.exe folder in there. No, I don't have MapleStory installed, because I was told that I don't need it for MapleRoyals. Please help!
You don't have maplestory installed? Do you mean the official server? Have you installed the V.62 Mapleroyals files after downloading the installation file from Drive or Mega? Also, windows defender or some other anti-virus is known to detect Mapleroyals.exe as a virus and delete the file automatically. Make sure you have disabled/add an exception to Mapleroyals.exe, uninstall Mapleroyals and reinstall Mapleroyals. (Ignore bottom until you have successfully reinstall Mapleroyals). Also, since you're using Win8, after succesfully installing Mapleroyals, you'll most likely face compatability issues: Right click Mapleroyals.exe >> Compatability tab >> change it to Windows 98/Me/Vista SP3/Win7 (whichever works for you)
I don't have MapleStory installed-- as in the original game. Not the MapleRoyal's server. (which i have been installing many times now! ) And no, I haven't installed the V.62 mapleroyal files because I don't know where they are. But uninstalling McAfee (which is a butt when it comes to dell's computer) worked! Thank you! Problem solved.