Name/Age : Justin, but people know me better as Kanye East. Country : US of A IGN : SoZettaSlow Level/Class : 39/Bishop Activeness (1/10?) : 6 What do you aim to achieve on Royals? : Experiencing every dank memes that ever was and helping out people (includes, but not limited to Guildmates) (Optional) When you wake up in the morning, what are your first thoughts: I hope Frederick has better things to say other than "You have not sold anything yet".
Name/Age : Esteban Country : Chile IGN : xZohan Level/Class : 61 / bandit Activeness (1/10?) : 8 What do you aim to achieve on Royals? : help new players and most important have fun (grinding,bossing,party quest, etc...) (Optional) When you wake up in the morning, what are your first thoughts? : Just 5 more minutes ... i will do life later plus: Lol i watch BangHero youtube channel haha
We have a lot of active players and everyone is helping everyone . Hope you find it in your heart to join! You can PM me, TruffleSalt for an invite as well :3.
Name/age: Devin Chua ( Kazuto )/16 Country : Singapore IGN: TanakaKazuto Level/Class: 30/Cleric Activeness (1/10?): 7 What do you aim to achieve on MapleRoyals? : I plan to Reach level 200 and socialize with people . Grinding with Players and also make friends along the way .ANDDD, Request for fanart or anything as i am a commissioner too ANIME4LIFE (Optional) When you wake up in the morning, what are your first thoughts?: Welp, First routine of the day...MAPLEROYALS Zhahahahaha
Name/Age : max / 20 Country : Canada IGN : (dtrump) Level/Class : 59/hero Activeness (1/10?) : 6 What do you aim to achieve on Royals? : grind, boss, give back to the community and make good memories with friends. FYI, I dislike trump.
Setting up a Discord server for our guild. Discord will allow us to have guild conversations and voice chats for bossing and training. I'll be going over details with our alliance as well, so hopefully it'll be a big central hub for in-game and off-game communication! We're still accepting members!
Just here to say that this alliance and guild are filled with funny, kind-hearted people. Anyone looking for a family should join!
Discord has been set up. Both our guild and the alliance guild actively participate! You can PM the following for an invitation to the guild: Cocozzi, BangHero, SoZettaSlow, and TruffleSalt Hope to see you all in game!