Hello, Is cat lying chair sold for how much? Is that because of my offer couldn't satisfy you? Or it is actually 1.9b is more than 3b? May be You could just put it in game with your "a/w" not in forum and treated me like I am an idiot
What? It sold for autowin. 1. Danros autowon the chair via whisper then collected in game. 2. You can't put items over 2.1b for a/w in game.
selling Dragon Chair (Abyss) c/o 2.2b @EraS, Aluminium Throne c/o 400m @myinputlogin, Game of Seats Chair c/o 900m @torodang, Cuddly Polar Bear c/o 350m @Shinn, Word End c/o 500m @fawkes, Bunny Moon Homecoming Chair c/o 800m @fdsdsqa and Peter Pan Hat c/o 1.5b @Conan. in 48 hours if no better offers.