As this server begins to grow, I mean really grow, there are like twice as many people online as I remember there being this time last year. Maybe an overstatement but either way. In particular I mean Gachapon. I love Gachapon, tbh its the only thing that gets me to come back. I save up a ton of nx cash, blow it all on gach and get hooked on the game for a couple months, rinse and repeat. I have a ton of money. I never grind and rarely boss. My characters net worth is probably something like 20b, for doing nothing. I know its hard to remove something that people have been benefitting from for so long, its a bit unfair, but I think gachapon tickets need to be removed from cash shop and made to be boss drops or something. As boss drops, this would spread the wealth to non mage classes, as if they were just rare drops from all enemies it would just give more money to the already lucrative bishop class. As well, it would encourage more people to kill more unpopular bosses like pap or pianus. It would need some fine tuning to keep the flow of gachapon items in the economy, and that would be the hard part, but I think it could be done and the server would benefit from it. I think simply reducing the amount of NX you get per vote would just totally screw up the flow of gach items. I'm not sure if people still sell AP resets (tbh i don't recall seeing anyone in FM buying/selling them lately), but I think as well, those should be made untradeable. Thoughts?
People still sell AP resets. If this was implemented, even more people would sell AP resets. There's possibly nothing else to buy once you get your NX items after all.
I mean, theres a limited amount of clothes people want, and eventually there would be a surplus in nx. Which would lead to people losing the incentive to vote, after a while. Instead of making nx cash items untradeable, I'd suggest having a meso sink to curb inflation.
I agree primarily with gach because of the fact that its used more and more the value of items that should be expensive i.e PAC have dropped over the last few months and are currently worth a fraction of what they used to be. Their is also the issue of white scrolls and chaos scrolls that are being spit out almost like their casual scrolls seeing people at times get 2 in a row of something that should be valuable, surprisingly they have managed to maintain their value but items created by these scrolls on the other hand have depleted, making them near affordable.
Thats why I said make AP resets untradeable. You can literally buy AP resets everyday, buy leech with that money, and then never do a thing really. In reality, this suggestion is sort of a fix for those who are against leech, if you wanted leech you would have to go somehow get the 40m or 50m for the hour of leech by actually doing things instead of just voting for free money. I mean, well thats just it, if the people running the server think getting people to vote is more important, thats that. IMO, I don't really see the big deal with voting. If people want to play a low rate nostalgia server, they're gonna find this whether we're 1st, 2nd, 3rd or whatever. That too, but I'm less concerned with items deflating/inflating than with people being able to accumulate vast amounts of wealth for doing nothing. For 0 hours of playing I can make so much more money than I would actually bossing/grinding/farming, there is less incentive to go do shit. If anything, I think we would want to keep the flow of the items into the economy somewhat equivalent to what it is now so as to not just fuck everything up.
The problem with your solution is the rich and most powerful players will be able to maintain their position forever. I've worked on several servers that implemented similar things and what ends up happening is a lot of newer players quit because it is even more difficult for them to reach the position of the top players. The items from gachapon will shoot up in price at massive rates because inevitably there are not enough players or channels for that matter to kill bosses at the rate a player can vote to obtain nx and gach. Making AP resets untradeable even further hurts growing players. Not to mention you can only vote once a day for 8k nx which translates to two AP resets. With the current rate of AP resets at 9-10m tell me how many hours of leech can you expect from that? Inflation will always happen in any economical base in the entire world due to how population growth and production works. Especially in Maple where killing monsters gives equipment items which translates directly to mesos in a shop.
This would only make sense if it was coupled with a server wipe. But seeing as a wipe will not happen, this idea is not good. You can't allow some players to benefit from gach for like two years, and then deny new players that opportunity. It doesn't work like that.
I agree with what @workteam said. Furthermore, gach is such a nostalgic part of maplestory that I can't really imagine a server without it. Even people who quit come back once in awhile just so that they can experience the fun in gaching. If the only options available to them were untradeable resets, it really gives them no reason to come back (or give them anything to start again with) which ties back into the point that was originally made above. I guess my added point would be that you aren't just taking away the monetary benefits, you're taking away a lot of what makes this game fun too. I feel like a lot of people would stop playing if there was no gach, not just the people who had already quit, and that wouldn't be healthy for the community either.
I've studied economics and business studies for 2years, I dont know if that's enough to state my opinion but here is my basic understanding on the issue. Argument: I do not agree for the removal of gachapon ticket from the cash shop or make AP Resets untradeable. Firstly, there is a good demand for AP Resets, people need 100s of them per character to have a decently washed character, i.e basically saying that there is only transfer of money between players going on and does not affect the economy in a negative manner(demand for items such as scrolls and weapons will go up due to more people having more money). Secondly, removing of gachapon will drive the motivation factor of the game to a low level. Most people, such as I, have some kind of income because gachapon exists. I started this game around middle of May, and right now I only made like 1bil from gachapon. Its not easy, its a luck-based system. People getting 2 chaos scrolls in row are extremely lucky, and does not happen often. And some people use 100~120tickets without earning one chaos/white/godly item. Solution: If you want to shape the economy, the best thing to do is REDUCE the rate of meso we get. Right now its 4x. There is already a large amount of meso in the economy. Most of the population have pets which pick up meso, and lots of leech sellers out there who spam skills and their pets pick up loot, adding large amounts of meso to the game. By cutting meso rates: In the short term(few months), there may be negative effects on the market, i.e deflation, prices going down. But this will strengthen the meso as well as improve economic conditions in the long term. People will still have an income from gachapon and ap resets, so the "poor"/new- royalers still have a chance to make money. There will always be a gap between the rich and poor. But if market/economic conditions are to be improved, the rates of meso should be brought down to 1~1.5x. Player's main income do not come from training and picking up meso. Its gained from the meso gained from gach/ap resets/item drops.
The issue isn't the meso rate. It's maps like gobies. Way more money comes into the game through the npcing of equips than anything else. A nerf to gobies was suggested a while ago, and was turned down. Not sure if that was the greatest decision. The issue isn't just gobies though. It's the fact that the most efficient way to make money in this game is to make a mage. Go into a map and either sell leech, or just kill shit and npc its drops. Meso sinks have been put in place. But that hasn't really solved the issue. On topic, I think making it so mages basically can't gach would be a huge mistake. There are certain untradeable items that come from gach that would be next to impossible for a bishop to get if this was implemented. I also think making ap resets untradeable is just simply ridiculous. That would make going for outrageous amounts of hp pretty much impossible. These changes would have to come with a wipe anyways. Which IMO should happen soonish due to the decrease in value for atk shoes, atk capes, atk gloves and perfect weapons. But that won't happen as stated many times before.
In general wipes are a bad idea on low rate servers due to how many hours it takes for players to train their accounts.
Wipe Hype! I can only see these Economy issues being fixed with a wipe, and lowering of chance to get good items. We had this dicussion already months ago about how cheap atk capes shoes and gloves had become. And we all just put it off as something we were just going to deal with. Now we have 2x the playerbase and its still an issue. I know this is an extremely unpopular opinion, but Id support a wipe to help stabilize the game and guarantee a longer life of the server. Id also like leech rates to be changed, but thats one I know is even less popular. Leeching is.....just obnoxious these days. Everyone has 50m to drop on leech these days. I see players paying for leech from mobs as low level as Jr Wraiths and Bubblings. Thats just insanity.
I love this game so much and I work hard on it. Each time a hear about a wipe I panic. Sure when you have more then 3 characters up to lv 200 since the last two years you don’t mind about it but, when your new… You don’t want to log on one day and hey! Start all over babe. I’m new here so I don’t know what’s the problem with the economies. People are to rich? The items are too easy to get? Some items should be unattainable for must Royalers? I not wild about bossing so making the goods harder to get for the bossing lover ones, will remove the fun for other types of players making a bigger gaps between rich and poor. You will never be able to please everybody so leave it like it or change it for the worse.
Its impossible to remove the already big gap between rich and poor =(... Only solution to that is a wipe.. but i dont want a wipe.
Why not a new world like... I don’t know Windia instead of a wipe? People will be able to start fresh on the new world and the other ones can remain on the old one.
Hey, Andreas, is there any plan for reducing meso rate in this server?? Already so much meso in the server
Nothing planned, no need to start saving mesos I know there will be more NX and meso sinks in the new source which will likely help a lot, so there are things being done.
There will most likely not be a wipe. Don't worry about that. The fact is, when this server goes down hill, which will eventually happen, it will most likely happen because of two things. The lack of end-game content leading to an incredibly stale game, and how flawed chaos scrolls are. I would hate to lose all my progress just as much as anyone else. But IMO a wipe is the only thing that can fix the issues that involve chaos scrolls. I wouldn't be against a new world with a lot of changes. But I doubt that would happen.