Any tips for new players?

Discussion in 'Help & Advice' started by TheWalnutMan, Jun 14, 2016.

  1. TheWalnutMan

    TheWalnutMan Active Member

    Jun 14, 2016
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    I just started playing on this private server, and before I was playing on the regular Maplestory server on and off, I used to play Maplestory since beta but forgot almost everything about the older versions. Any tips on what to do to start off I am currently level 9 and planning to make a thief. Thanks!
  2. Celiu

    Celiu Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    Hi and welcome.

    The worst mistake I see happening a lot is that people will spend their single billion they've made on buying leech all the way from 75 to 120. Dumbest mistake. You need this 1b. I don't recommend the ''But I will make it back excuse'' You'll find yourself sitting at 120-135 not knowing where to level and rely on leech. Spend wisely on gear and books. If you really want to leech make an Arch Mage with HS mule or Bishop.

    The next important thing is that MapleRoyals has lots of event. Try to profit of them. Candles that drop and are obtainable from our anniversary Jump quest sell for 100K each on average. It's easy to obtain 100 a day for any new player. That's an easy 10 mil for you as a starter. Even more if you have more than one character.

    And last but not least. Level at places that are beneficial. You could for example train at ghost ship 50-70 or... You could train at a place like Master Chronos and drakes which give more rewarding items. Maybe you'll level less fast but you'll get really great scrolls that you'll need in the future. This will save you a lot of time in the long run.

    I suggest you take a look at these guides:
    Places to make Money
    Your Class guide (NightLord)
    Scroll price guide.
    Vano, Prideful, Juni and 1 other person like this.
  3. Envo

    Envo Donator

    Nov 10, 2014
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    @Celiu gave great advice - do not rely on leech to level up, especially as a newcomer to the server. If you really want the best experience (and save your money), grind your way up.

    Read the guides on this forum. There are so many well formatted guides here and they're all chock full of information. We're fortunate to have some of the most knowledgeable and detail-oriented people writing these guides, and they're fun to read. :)

    As a newcomer, make sure you are voting every day - NX is a direct translation to meso in this server thanks to AP Reset profitability, gach, etc. Again, read guides.

    For a cheap damage boost, go to NLC and buy Warrior Elixirs.
    Jeen likes this.
  4. RoyalClown

    RoyalClown Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2014
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    Ok, this is what I did.

    1. Bishop are FREAKING expensive. Genesis 20 -which is a must to begin selling leech- is almost 1b and has a 30% chance to fail. Genesis 30 is so expensive many people dont even bother buying it. Also, training 75 - 100 is really annoying if you are not funded, mostly because you will become a HS mule for another person unless you want to be at gs2 until you can solo Himes, which is horrible. Instead of these, you could try leveling one to lvl 81, get max HS and start training an Arch Mage. Ice and Fire are way easier to fund and the prices of the books are really low. They are also way more fun (at least for me).

    2. PQs are a nice place to meet people, but not to make money. Regular grinding in the right spots can easily get you your first ZHelm at lvl 60 or even lower.

    3. When I was at lvl 100 with my ice lighting mage, I could 0hko zombies at El Nath. The miner zombies are really easy to kill and the golden tooth sells really easy. I made almost 300m in just a day, which is really good money pre-4th job.

    4. When you get tired of grinding, check out free market. Start learning prices. Buy low, sell high.

    5. Save all your daily NX to gach. Go to Showa at first until you get a plus 6 maple leaf, which is untradable. Most people say that Mushrom Shrine and NLC are nice and safe places, but... in almost 4 month of playing this game regularly, I rarelly make a profit in those places. Chaos and White scrolls are a cruel myth, and thats the truth. Im currently just gaching at Showa, you can get apples, nice skys and some decent scrolls.

    6. When you finally get to 120 with your arch mage, start selling leech at WS ASAP. 45m hour PLUS 30m in NPC trash is AMAZING. After that, fund yourself to 0hko Ulu1 and Ulu2. Finally, go to petri fighter and sell leech for a tasty 65m per hour. This levels go by pretty easy, as you will be more focus on getting money.

    7. Get 600m or more, buy cheap scrolls, sell nicely scrolled items. This is purely luck and REALLY exciting.

    ...or you can just continue your rogue and see what comes next! Have fun!
    lozy and theweirdsoul like this.

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