I would like to suggest including NX items with the appearance of default weapons in the game. There are very few crossbow covers that I like, and I'd love for my Neschere to have the appearance of a Gross Jaeger or Casa Crow, which is how I came up with this idea. When I suggested this idea in the chat box, the opposition I received was that if a default crossbow cover was made, every single equip would have to have an NX version to make it fair. This is the classic slippery slope fallacy and can easily be avoided, for instance by only including one NX cover of each class of weapon (one bow cover, one 1h sword cover, one spear cover, &c). The choice of which weapon of each weapon class to be turned into an NX item can be left up to the community via a poll. I'm looking forward to hearing other views on this, thanks.
IIRC, there's an item called the Fusion Anvil that lets you add on the appearance of any item on to another in GMS. I'm not sure if it's coming to this server, but I don't see an issue with it. There's no need to fill up the NX Shop's pages with regular gears.
is there a cost to use the anvil? what if you get a new weapon, do you have to go through the process again to make it look how you want it to? I think an NX cover is a simpler way to achieve what I want. Also, I proposed one item per weapon class, which would not "fill up" the cash shop, not that I said anything about the items even appearing in the cash shop.
Fusion anvil is discussed in this thread here: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/request-fusion-anvil.10374/ and there's also a link to a page showing how it works.
Thanks for the link, after reading that thread I definitely do not think that adding the fusion anvil is the way to achieve what I suggested.
I feel like fusion anvil is the best way to achieve this, dont think the community would happily end up voting on one weapon per class which would result in a lot of including me because Dragon's Tail would definitely win while i want Cursayer ):
If you read the thread that Matt linked me you will (hopefully) be able to see why adding fusion anvil is not a good route. As to your second point, maybe there could be additional polls a month or so after the previous one (to spread out the work load) wherein you could vote on your preferred weapon if it was not chosen during the first poll.
I personally just don't see the point in filling up the cash shop with regular items. It would be a lot more to filter through, as I usually try to burn through all of the pages for each article of clothing when I'm making a new character.
Like I said, I proposed one item per weapon class, which would not "fill up" the cash shop [even though they would only be in the weapons section], not that I said anything about the items even appearing in the cash shop. Honestly though, are you really inconvenienced every time they add new items to the cash shop?
There's a thing called "transmog" that a couple other v83 servers have used. Afaik it's basically just an NPC that creates nx gear which had the appearance of regular gear. All for the addition of something likr this.
Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as hostile. I just sort of drag myself through the Cash Shop every time in a sort of completionist sense. I'm not done equipping a character until I view every page, and I just didn't really want to see normal items as NX items in the Cash Shop. ImCanadian has a pretty good proposition though.
You didn't come off as hostile, I just think your concern is very much trivial and that very few (if any) other people would share it. This is good to hear, I'm glad that fusion anvil is not the only way that this is done. I am looking forward to hearing from GMs and/or developers for this server about whether this function may be implemented with the new source.