Character Name: KillerPig Last thing you did: Grinding at ghost ship perhaps. Not sure it has been a while Why do you think you got banned?: I assume I have been banned because I have been voting every 24 hours. I have not played the game in a while due to school so I guess that me accumulating a large amount of NX has flagged me. Ban message when attempting to log in: Banned for suspicious activity What GM banned you (optional): Not sure I hope to have this resolved as I was looking forward to playing Royals again.
you're currently banned for playing on the same network as the character Eozz, which is a lvl 27 that casually dropped 16 white scrolls.
Did I pick up any of the scrolls? Is there any way for those scrolls to be removed and for my account to be unbanned?
did you play from a public location recently? the IP address you played from is the same as the IP address from that suspicious account that has connections to real world trading
That is not possible I don't have a character or account using that name and nobody uses my laptop but me I am very confused lol
I can only assume that I was I've been too busy this summer and the days just kind of blend together lol
Is there any way you could make sure? I dont mind helping you but keep in mind this is your ban appeal where most of the information is supposed to come from you if you claim you are wrongfully banned.
I honestly couldn't tell you I can't know for sure if I was playing that day All I can tell you is that nobody else plays this game at my house or with my laptop
can you inbox me your MAC and IP address from your home computer? I'll have to confirm it this way if you cannot ensure this crucial piece of information. dont post them here but send me a private message.
someone has been on your account from a different connection than you usually use so it looks like you got hacked. change your password so we can seperate you from the hackers' details and unban you. Anything you lost will not be refunded