Hello guys! I'm a new player that has just joined MapleRoyals a few days ago. I'm from Singapore, and turning 18 this year. I have been playing MapleStory ever since it was beta. The reason why I chose to play an old school MS server was that I missed MapleStory when it was still "young", back then when slaying zakum with a group was an achievement, and having that sense of achievement whenever you level up, and doing all the pq's with friends where teamwork was required. For me, the current MS is not really that challenging compared to the old MS. I hope in MapleRoyals, I'm able to experience the nostalgia and make it a fun experience for me since I've never really played an old school MS server before... It will definitely be a better experience if you have friends playing together with you, right? So if you guys don't mind a new friend, you could leave me your IGN and I will add you in game!
Hi, I'm also from Singapore. I just joined today and my ign is LinL. I also came here for the same purpose as you, to reexperience the nostalgia. Be sure to add me, we can hang out, grind and PQ together.