I'm keeping something like a "diary" with quick doodles from encounters in Maplestory. Here are some scenes(warning, I'm new to the game! But it makes for funny material, I'm a Page btw): "Aqua Road: Dangerous Sea Gorge 1" experience Pink Viola Jumpquest The Ronnie quest wouldn't let me turn in the items until the last server check, which fixed it! Running joke with friends that I dislike Eurek
I draw with a ballpoint pen without sketches for now, because it forces me to draw quicker with less overthinking. It was a rock lobster! Me and a pals mage wanted to meet up - while I was going there he fell asleep on a rope at Orbis tower for 6 hours
Greetings from Florina Beach (Me, tokaroonie, hatebeat) Trash talk Looked at my pals mage more closely this time and drew him again lol. Clover friendship rings
That's actually a good habit to get into. It also allows you to work with the mistakes you do make, and somehow work them into the sketch regardless. Also, you're pretty good with pencil crayons, too. o-o Any specific brand you're using in the above posts?
Thanks for all the positive reactions to this. I'm really glad people like this idea and the drawings. I use Bic Evolutions pencil crayons and then a mixture of other pencils I have collected over the years, nothing special. I doodle so much that I'm starting to run out of pages in my sketchbook, I will buy a new one and dedicate quite a big part of it to Maple probably. Also started to develop a backstory to my character in Maple but that's something for a different day. Kerning City sky study thing Me and tokaroonie met up in El Nath, but she is still low level so we just slid and fooled around in town! Set back when I was probably lvl 20-30. :') And one of my first older doodles I didn't show: We took tokaroonie at lvl 15 to Ludibrium and protected her, ha.
Thanks guys. Also I will keep saying this to everybody, practice is the key(and I don't practice enough definitely xD). Daisy friendship rings (also really fucked up everything here oops) Tokaroonie's maplestory character Evalynn Those silly mages Young Evalynn being pals with a golem Stay tuned for more comics of me being pissed of at Eurek the Alchemist, as I finished his quest last night and couldn't turn it in.
My first attempt (not sure if the aim was orbis or ludi) was cut short by a crimson balrog haha, I had no idea what happened. Those were the days =P.
Both tokaroonie and me are new to the game... but I was warned. The rest of us laughed quite hard on skype when tokaroonie got killed by the "big flying monkey" and completely freaked out haha.
This was a very funny encounter hahaha. I was really startled why a GM is suddenly there. (Thanks again for the nice words to my stuff!) Worlds Worst Page Special Guest: Katsuruka
Barely had time to play, as I had a very stressful finals week. Here is this little Maplestory related thing of J'kal the mage and Evalynn: