Hey guys, my name is Kyle and recently decided to join. I've been playing GMS for a few weeks since I quit private servers and decided to come back. Kinda wondering what job I should be as I join. Kinda looking for a job that is good with mobbing and bossing. It's been a while since I've played a v62 or a Pre-BB server. Hope to see you guys in-game!
Welcome! It's funny, my first avatar here was from the grim adventures of billy and mandy also :3 And if you're looking for a class that's good with mobbing and bossing, try a DK. Probably your best option.
That was actually a really good show imo. I was thinking of either a DK or Bucc with a Beginner to play whenever I get bored for a challenge.
The server could use more perma-beginners Also, pirates are a tad glitchy right now. Until then you may want to go with a more reliable class.
Hi Kyle! Cool to have you here with us! Feel free to add me in-game on my I/L: IceGig I vote for HERO!
Yay, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. <3 Welcome to Maple Royals! I hope you'll enjoy your stay with us.
Hiya Kyle, my name's John. I'm new to this server as well, and it'd be nice to make some friends! I went ahead and added you since you weren't online. IGN: Astronaut