Name: RandyIGN: Pinkslip (NL lv137)Age & Ethnicity: 25 PeruvianLocation/Timezone: ESTPersonal Nude: -------------------------------------------------------------1) Why should you be a Nudist? I create the nudes.2) Define Nude in your own point of view? Freedom3) Tell us about your most embarrassing moments? I dont know but maybe something with a boxxr4) What so odd about odd numbers? Do I need to know about odd numbers to be naked? guess no c:5) If you were to get rid of one country in the world, which would it be and why? My own, it really sucks live in here hehe. Hope you'll add me
@MsFame congratulations on becoming a Nudist! Please whisper one of the above Jrs. to receive an invite. We cannot wait to meet you!
Name: Alex IGN: Viktim (NightLord lv145) Age & Ethnicity: 24, Belgian Location/Timezone: CEST (Servertime + 1) Personal Nude: *set image opacity to 0%* ------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Why should you be a Nudist? I filled in the application from Bottom to Top, which is also how I dress myself, IF I dress myself. 2) Define Nude in your own point of view? Boobs... oh wait, is that another guild? 3) Tell us about your most embarrassing moments? no no no, not going to talk about it, not even here! 4) What so odd about odd numbers? The odd thing about odd numbers is that they are so evenly divided between even numbers. 5) If you were to get rid of one country in the world, which would it be and why? Nauru (it's small, noone would notice) Thanks,
Name: Zakk IGN: Kristoffin Age & Ethnicity: 20 and I'm German so I'm white AF Location/Timezone: Good ol' 'Merica UTC -5:00 Personal Nude: ------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Why should you be a Nudist? I mainly joined this server for exactly what this guild is for. To make plenty of friends and have an enjoyable time speaking and getting to know other people. 2) Define Nude in your own point of view? Being vulnerable, where everyone can see and knows everything of you. Also being naked of course. 3) Tell us about your most embarrassing moments? When I was like 12 years old I thought I'd give a ring to a girl that I liked for a long time if she agreed to go out with me. She didn't. 4) What so odd about odd numbers? They're not even so you cant equally cut them in half? 5) If you were to get rid of one country in the world, which would it be and why? Iceland. I hate the cold.
Name: Christian IGN: broogie Age & Ethnicity: 24/Canadian&Hispanic Location/Timezone: PST Personal Nude: ------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Why should you be a Nudist? Because i like to stare at myself in the mirror after i get out of the shower and think about the quote " you are what you eat " and not remembering when i ate a sexy beast 2) Define Nude in your own point of view? Allowing myself to express everything without hiding 3) Tell us about your most embarrassing moments? finding a picture of a drunken NYE night on fb and my friends mom replying on my picture with " who pissed in his cornflakes " my face was priceless... 4) What so odd about odd numbers? i know that you know that you know that i know that odd numbers arent so odd because you know that i know that even numbers are the real culprits but i know that you already know this 5) If you were to get rid of one country in the world, which would it be and why? Nigeria, because a nigerian prince tried to scam me once
Join at your own risk. Please contact the JR if you're still want to join us, @liomio @Ray @Zhann @Momo
Name: Jordan IGN: Elegant <---with an "i" Age & Ethnicity: 21 and white...really really white Location/Timezone: USA/ EST Personal Nude: ------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Why should you be a Nudist? Have you ever heard of an Elegant stripper? either ,so I wanted to be the very first Elegant Nudist. Not to mention 99% of the time I play this game I sit in boxers, sorry if that's TMI. 2) Define Nude in your own point of view? Being Nude is being proud, proud of yourself for the things you've put your self through. Most importantly just accepting the fact that some people are different, some people like being naked, some like pants, some like dirt, at the end of the day it's your choice how you wish to live not anyone elses. which has led to ny lack off effort and stylistic fashion sense has left me with one choice, the best choice. NUDITY. 3) Tell us about your most embarrassing moments? I was 17, maybe 16, it really doesn't matter but I had a few ladies and gents over and we were out back on the patio talking the talk and chillin. Then my 7 year old brother walks out whips out his water gun (yeah that water gun, attached to his body) and starts super soaking one of the lady friends. I instantly knew any chance I had with this girl was in shambles and I honestly had no idea what was going on. Everyone was dying laughing but me and the girl that got super soaked by my brothers water gun. 4) What so odd about odd numbers? Oh odd numbers, So whats odd about them. Well for starters when you line up letter "A"-"Z" numerically you find "O" corresponds to number 15 and "D" is to number 4. So its odd that we call odd numbers odd when the word odd is numerically made up of 1 "odd" and 2 "even" numbers. So sense my math is so bad I had to use a calculator for this next part, Sense "O"=15 and "D"=4 when you do the expression ("O")+("D")+("D") you find the answer to look like (15)+(4)+(4)=(23). which also ends in (3). This is not a coincidence forged by the Illuminati, this is just why odd numbers are odd. If and only if we can collectively say the number 3 is odd, then the word odd is also odd because it has 3 letters, that's not all though. The word "numbers" has 7 numbers is which is also an odd number... Now is this odd or strange or just the Illuminati at work? 5) If you were to get rid of one country in the world, which would it be and why? Australia, but first I'd save all the little kick ass kangaroos. Why you asked, because those greedy little Aussies are the only Country that claim themselves as a continent as well. Much Discontent for Aussies this one has.
I'm at work for the remainder of the night I apologize for the inconvenience, I'll try to find one of them in the morning when I get back! Thanks again
Name: Leonard IGN: Rori Age & Ethnicity: 18. Singaporean Location/Timezone: Singapore / GMT +8 Personal Nude: IRL 'When you fail 6 blizzard books' ------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Why should you be a Nudist? I need people to laugh at me when im dead drunk lel 2) Define Nude in your own point of view? Natural, nothing to be ashamed of. 3) Tell us about your most embarrassing moments? I stripped in the waiting lobby of a Japanese Onsen ;_; 4) What so odd about odd numbers? Its so odd that its just a number away from becoming even.. 5) If you were to get rid of one country in the world, which would it be and why? North Korea, they rejected my Visa. I was so excited to visit Kimmy!
Name: Adrian IGN: lAdrianl Age & Ethnicity: 22 / Venezuelan Location / Timezone: Venezuela / EST Personal Nude: Nude, Nude -------------------------------------------------- ----------- 1) Why should you be a Nudist? I am interested in your group, I would like to come and be one of you 2) Define Nude in your own point of view? Naked, be comfortably free and happy f2 3) Tell us about your most embarrassing moments? Sell my deputy star to npc f4 4) What are the odd numbers? Are those integers that are not even numbers and therefore are not multiples of 2 .. o.o 5) If you were to get rid of one country in the world, which would it be and why? Panama, much racism f4