Hi there! I'm Muhammed from Singapore, age 24. I played pre-wipe, and on and off after the wipe. I got bored of Maple and had some real life commitments. Recently, I was surfing Youtube and saw old school Maple videos, so decided to play again. I noticed there's over 100 people online which is a good thing the server is growing. I wonder whether my old friends from **** are still playing. I saw Christine a few months back. Anyway, my ign is MuMu, going to be a Sin. Buddy me pls!
Welcome Muhammad and good to see you back! Unfortunately the others from the older server are gone, most of them.
Yup, I remember you. Nice going on the levels. Remember you were like level 70+ then. Yeah, Ola Ola event. It was my first day back and I won the event.
Welcome back! You whispered me the other day with some encouragement That was very nice, thank you! <3