Are there any Mac users here (macbook pro) that are able to boss simply on the regular client without parallels/bootcamp?
The only boss that I'm able to regularly participate in without the use of either parallels or bootcamp is Krex. With regards to Zakum and Horntail, I believe having parallels/bootcamp is required. (I use boot camp for Zakum, but I've heard parallels is better.)
I use a macbook air and here's my bossing experience with regular client. Krex: no problem, even with dual client. I try to gfx often because I'm paranoid. Zak: graphical glitches/lag every time. Arms no problem, body 1 most of the time ok, body 2/3 is crazy. However, with constant gfxing (1 per ~5-10 seconds), I manage to survive without dc 2 out of 3 times Horntail: I don't even dare try. Probably a waste of dragon elixir. Once I got a parallel trial for like 3 weeks and it worked with krex/zak - no graphical glitches. But for HT, I d/c-ed once I got into 2nd prehead (could me my fault I didn't gfx tho).
How tough was it to install and get everything working for parallels (including getting windows xp, etc.)? How was the memory/usage load on your macbook air using parallels at zak?