Having read all the comments after my ragequit having camped for Manon for 2,5hours. I do agree that Genesis a skill worth going trough the trouble for. The only thing bumming me out is the drop rate. Killing Manon as a 120 bishop, yet alone finding one is tough. I've killed 5 and gotten no cries.
I agree here, increase the droprate to at 1+ cry (no possibility of 0 dropping) & don't mess with the spawnrate if anything comes of this. I like that little rush in the back of your head & how the hairs on your arms stick up as a manon finally spawns, maybe it's a sense of "this actually took something to find" instead of having a 30 minute cd on manon ksing fest.
Sorry this has happened to you :/ I just want to make sure that you are dealing most (51%+) of the damage; or you are having someone attack until manon is low on hp, and the attacker leaves map for you to finish it off; or you are having someone who also haven't done the quest yet (but has it active) to help you kill it. If so I'm sure 6th time is the charm!
I agree all the pain to get genesis is worth it. However, as you said that something was implemented a long time ago, it might be time to change this once more, as the server has grown tremendously. Also, compared to quests for other most powerful skills in the game, this quest is much much harder, factoring in: I think the difficulty of finding a manon depends on the time you usually play on. Some time zones are so hard to get one without camping because every other channel is camped. It's not just about the trouble of finding one. It's also the trouble of worrying about ksing or lootstealing and cry not dropping. The amount of competition has never been so high and with it comes the increasing amount of people breaking the rules to get a cry whether by ksing or lootstealing (see report abuse section).
Before argue that obtaining Manon cry should be hard because it was before like that, you need to take in mind that: 1. Due to server EXP rate, reaching level 120 with one of the hardest job to reach that level (Priest) is x4 times easier now, and here the "leeching" is higher in comparation to 2007~2009 Maplestory for the same reason, so the amount of Bishops on the server are much higher in percentage than old MS. 2. In those years there wasn't many people able to join Horntail runs because first than all reaching level 155 was x4 times harder, getting the funds and making HP Wash were others fact on game, due this, not many did this HT Preq. 3. Believe or not there's people that hunt Manon for NX. The problem is not the spawn rate, or drop rate, the fact is that the demand at the moment is so high that it becomes harder than it should (i'm not saying that there wasn't people on Old MS days looking for Manon) If it is not like that, so why is Manon's forest a place that is so common on KSing issues? just check the "Report abuse" section.
Now that you say it, pretty much it is, but my point was that maybe the spawn and drop that we have now shouldn't be consider something that is extremly low and unfair, because if this were old day maplestory, it would work like that.
Sure, it worked for the old maplestory, but for this server, I think one (or more) of three things should happen: 1. Increase spawnrate 2. Increase droprate of manon's cry 3. Decrease manon's appeal (by either dropping less nx, or by decreasing the amount of things that require manon's cry, maybe replace some with Griffey's horn)
let's think here: 4th job advancement is the last advancement you'll ever have to do for that character. horntail is the "biggest main boss" (aside from pink bean, but pink bean isn't in royals). genesis is an OP ultimate skill for bishops (4th job). why make things easier than it already is? if you're struggling to find a manon, ask any friends out there who camp the boss and hope they let you take their other cry. or, if you're willing to camp, sit there and maybe have another client opened to train a different character (while checking up if manon spawns). with the spawn timer being 4-6 hours, you can easily find 4+ manons a day if you actually tried. you don't need to rely on server checks to automatically spawn one for you. with all the 3 points i mentioned above, the spawn rate should be even lower since getting to 120 or 155 isn't too difficult in this server. it's not like you'll never get one if you've killed 4 manons. and it's certainly not like you'll always get one after killing a manon. having the drop rate or spawn rate increase will make things more simpler than it should be. would you rather be bored because everything is so easy, or have fun while taking up a challenge?
Sure, killing a manon might be a challenge, but waiting for 4 hours is not a challenge let alone multiple times because they don't always drop a cry. Also, at 4 hours per manon, killing more than 2 is pretty unrealistic for most people. Btw, paladin's holy charge also requires HTPQ, (not that that changes anything about your arguments, but I thought I'd mention it).
100% agreed. The major issue with Manon spawn in particular is that they're heavily farmed by high level players for HT, so it makes it nearly impossible for fresh players to hunt them down. Personally I spent over 12 hours tracking down a Manon to get the cry for my genesis quest. As a fresh 120 bishop it was practically impossible, and if I hadn't been helped by a kind veteran player I might have even quit the game because it was so frustrating. I understand the desire from staff to not have the economy inflated by higher spawn rates and players farming them, and you might make the argument that they will just be killed even quicker, but I believe it would at least give newer players a chance. I asked quite a few other Bishops and most of them said they paid 50-100m to have another player help them kill the Manon, let alone find one, so it's a very daunting task after weeks of grinding to finally hit 120. Not fun at all and any changes would be welcome.
You're doing it wrong. The spawn time on manon is 4 hours, so at worst you sit in a map for 4 hours (practically speaking less, since you won't be in there the minute it was previously killed) and wait for a spawn, then either kill it or get someone to help you. It's really not rocket science. Besides, this issue has been under "discussion" for literally years now, and the answer is always the same. If you want to put a day (or less) in to getting a cry, it's not that hard. If you don't or can't, maybe this game isn't for you.
The competition for mapownership is ridiculous and I can't be bothered to maintain it for hours. Really glad that at least travelling times are reduced on this server. I'm gonna waste my time on something else for a few weeks: saving up NX to sell AP resets, then pay some of the camper-guilds or high-levels to find one for me, lol, they're the owners of that sh*t anyway.