Well technically I was simply forcibly removed from the job due to things happening in my life, but it was streaming on twitch, made pretty decent money when I could. Have you ever broken a bone?
Not my own. I broke someones arm once in a fight. Have you ever been hiding weed or cigs from your parent(s)
All the time, especially in crowded places so they don't know it was from me. Have you ever been in a physical fight?
More than just once, because I Am the fight! I got in a fight as a freshman in highschool with a senior, but sad part was I had one arm in a sling, still twice as sad for the guy who got his ass handed to him by a guy with one good arm. You ever been down with the popo, gettin in trouble by the 5O, the pigs, some ham cops?
Yes, when I was in 2nd grade, I didn't like that my mom packed me apples for a snack, so I ate my green crayon instead. Have you ever used a food item for non-eating purposes?
I hit someone with a carrot since I couldn't find anything better (I don't know why I didn't just punch him) I used a banana to make an avocado ripen quicker. Have you ever drank something out of a fishbowl?