My sweetest, dearest, loveliest Royallers, I'll try to keep it as short as I can, even though I'm not really too good at that. I will be leaving for a while (I know better than to say quitting for good because heck you might see me back in 6 months or a year or maybe never, who knows). I will be spending the next few months doing this crazy intensive course that I magically got into and I know I'm going to work my butt off (which I am actually very excited for), but I know it will leave me with very limited free time and well, after 3 years of meeting the loveliest people, and really enjoying my time online with you lot I feel like I want to spend my limited time doing some new things (so that I can feel that I'm also growing as a person and all that). So , it is time to leave for a while, work on myself, learn new things, do a lot of work and be a little more proud of what I make (@Celiu really inspired me ok), at the end of the day I keep finding myself making lists of all these things I want to do and I 'don't get around to it' because I have been killing time, really. Anyways, I won't bore you with my quarter-life-crisis. Just in case I don't find my way back, I wanted to really thank you guys for making my time here so much more than enjoyable. Three years is such a hella long time! Not only did I have amazing conversations with a bunch of you, I met 19 of you in person!! Thank you for tolerating me for so long, heh. I'm gonna do a few little mentions just because the guilt will kill me if I don't say anything, but there are so many of you... I will go alphabetically and still forget some, sorry and I love you! @ all the guys I actually met up with; I had a blast with all of you, thank you, thank you, thank you for being awesome. @Aaron; You are one of the kindest people I have ever met and I am really happy I got the chance to get to know you (even if it was mostly on dub and not even Royals), you've been busy and missed but I hope you're having the time of your life! @AdamBrone; ADAM I LOVE YOU, but you know that already. I love talking to you and I get magically happy to see you on, even if it doesn't happen all that often. Come out for a drink with me some weekend! @Amy; I'm not even sure you'll see this because you're so long gone but you're still one of my favourite people ever. I loved every second of meeting you and I hope we get to do that again some time, I wish you all the happiness in the world <3 @Chelsea; Oh you know there are no words to describe my love for you. I will WhatsApp you and I forever want cat pictures and videos and I love you so so so damn much and you are the bestest ever <3333333 @Christine; You are an awesome, awesome human being and I had a fabulous time all the times we met up, you're secretly someone I've always admired and now you know Glad to see you happy in your snaps! @Daenerys; You will likely not see this but I love you and I miss you and I will tell you the rest over WhatsApp, where you will actually see it <3 @Daniel; I'm not sure if you'll see this, and I'm sure you already know but you're someone I will always come to when I truly need advice, I would trust you with absolutely anything because you are probably the most caring person I know and am really really lucky to call you a friend! Thank you for opening your home to me and with enough luck, I will be visiting again soon! <3 @David; Daveeeeeed I miss you :c You'll always be one of my favourite people, like always. You crack me up and I always love chatting to you. I hope you're happy and having a blast because it's been a while and I have no idea what you're up to anymore f4. @dingus; Nick! We've had some of the best conversations ever, and we're overdue a catch-up. Thank you for allowing me to be my craziest self around you! Maybe I'll see you in Florida sometime in the next year or 5 or 10. @Dustin; You're awesome (does it even need saying?). I'm really really glad we've met and hung out and had a blast together. Hope you're up to the best and having the best time ever, you deserve it <3 @Eli Elijahhhhh <3 Ugh one line is not enough. I've forever referred to you as my favourite person ever, and for good reason! I think you are one of the best people I ever got to meet and like please please promise me that we'll still have our amazing conversations because I miss them so much! You already know I love you lots and lots and I want all the best for you, if I could like magically give you all the happiness in the world, I would, I think you deserve no less! Always be your awesome, kind, clever self annnd I love you :3 @Interpol; Tom, likely won't see this but had to say you've been long gone but never forgotten, kinda miss you, we should catch up some time, still one of my favourite people I have had the pleasure of meeting here! @irmy; This might come as a bit of a surprise to you because I've mostly been doing it in secret, but I really really admire you. I think you're one of the sweetest most insightful people I have ever met. You gave me some really wise words once when I was down and it was never forgotten, thank you. <3 @John I don't think I could sum up our friendship in a sentence John! Plus, I know we'll still be in contact so I feel less obligated to, hehe. But just thank you for being the caring friend that you are, I know I can always count on you and you know you can do the same. @Lomo; I find it funny how we've only (sort of) recently become friends even tho we've co-existed on here for so long, but I' really glad we eventually met! You're an awesome person and hella gorgeous (which you've heard like a million times), wish you all the bestest! @maggles; You were one of (if not the) first friend I had on here, and that means a lot! Thanks for making the server awesome enough when I had just started and planned to play for 'a week or two', I'm pretty sure that had we not become friends so early I'd have gotten bored and left much earlier. @Manny; You are also one of the people I've been admiring from a distance (gosh I hope that doesn't sound too creepy), I think you're an absolute wonder of a person and I've always looked up to your goodness. I think you're much kinder and caring than it shows on the surface and I'm really really glad I had the pleasure of calling you a friend. I hope you will always be happy. <3 @manyhits; Sebby! What a pleasure it's been to play with you, you're an absolute sweetheart and my only regret is not meeting you sooner! @Matt; I know you don't remember this but you welcoming me to the server personally is one of my favourite memories from Royals! Thank you for making this awesome space (look at all the lovely people I met because of you) and thank you for being my friend above that, hopefully we'll have another awesome meetup soon, you're a blast. @Matty; My Clyde <3 We've spent countless hours playing together and chatting at this point, all the up-all-nights and the Salem sessions won't be easily forgotten! Thanks for being an awesome friend (and I will totally see you on Salem still). @Mezmerize; It's been forever and a half but you're still one of the first people I ever met here and I loved playing with. Hope you're doing well. @Michael; You'll always be one of my favourite people to walk this planet. I think you're insanely clever, I think you can do anything you'd want to and I feel very very very lucky to call you my friend. I know I can count on you to have my back, always, and my friendship with you is something that I really want to see last forever. <3 @Moo; Oh I will see you around, I'm sure! I loved spending time with you and chatting to you about life and love and all that, you're a wonderful friend to have and always fun to see! @parkie; You will never see this but I still love you and miss you, come back to me some day. <3 @Penny; Pence :3First of all I miss you and you need to tell me how work is and how NY is. Second of all, I loved meeting you and spending time with you and we had so much fun, honestly. I love you to bits and I hope I actuall get to see you again soon <3 @ReconKatana; Samifarious! Thank you for being my friend! I think you are one of the loveliest people I have ever met and you never fail to make me smile when we talk. <3 @Romina; Oh Rom, there's no chance I can write you a goodbye sentence but I'm certain I won't have to, Skype again sometime next week? You know I love you to bits and you are wonderful and beautiful and deserve all the good in the world. <3<3<3 @Stan; You don't count as a Royals friend but hey, I love you too. P: @Suki; You know how much I love you, you're my weird emotional sexual friend and we are going to be best friends for life and move in together in 2 years when we move to NY. <33 @Tim; Timkerbell <3 We always have the funnest times together and and I really really hope we stay in touch! I want to see more fo your work and I'll send you mine and you can dress me in all the kinky outfits you want and we'll have the best time ever like always! @xFishy; ok, we only started hanging out recently, but man, you're so awesome. I'll see you on Salem. (; Shit, this is a lot longer than I meant for it to be! So much for keeping it short @Andreas @blakeburns @carcrash @Celtea @Ch0rus @CloudedMusic @DayHime @Dimitri @GDLee @FirstAidKit @Huff @Jeen @jieun93 @JJFrankz @Karven @Katsuruka @Knattis @Laszlo @Lisa @Levitation @LuckyLook @Marty @NMNA @Nicko @Raiden @Rob @Saleh @Saxa @Shani @Sila @Sleepysaur @Succubus @Thom @Tobi @Tawm @Tommy @Tsai @Vivienneex @WayoftheFox @WinterCure Some of you I've known for years, some of you for weeks, but you've all earned a place in my heart (and I've for sure forgotten people, too). Thank you, thank you, thank you for being around and making this one of the best experiences ever. <3 I know 95% of you guys I will probably never hear of again (because it happens, sadly), but truly, if you ever feel like having a chat to catch up, hit me up (no like, really)! ok, bye. I love you.
Noooooooooooo Please keep in touch Aly. You are a very important person. Good luck with everything! I know you will do great!
So sad to see you "leave" again! Aly, you are a beautiful human being both inside and out! You have been there for me through some hard times and I can never thank you enough. I'm glad we met in game, and I'm proud to call you a friend. If you find some free time in January.. Whistler! I wish you the best in your program and your future internships. If you ever want to talk, please don't hesitate! Spoiler Spoiler Had a crush on you from very early on....
Spoiler Hopefully this won't turn into an essay but I felt like explaining. I've left and come back on like 3 different occasions now. I've gone away and come back a while later mostly because I got bored but also when I got busy, whoever, apart from that first time I tried to leave like 3 months into playing (lol) I knew I would be back so I never bothered with my goodbyes. For some reason this feels different to me, I think after so long... I learned and got everything I needed to from this server and the people in it. When I log on now, it's just kind of this feeling that I'm just outstaying my welcome (and not in a feeling unwanted way but just, I feel like I'm lingering when I no longer need to). Sorry for being super philosophical about this or whatever, but I wanted to just say that this time I actually feel wholeheartedly completed with this chapter of my life. I'm ready to move on and know new things. I met a whole bunch of people who've changed my life (as you can see by the huge list of names) and I've gotten so much our of this server, so much more than I ever ever thought or intended to, so I'm good. Maybe I'll miss it and be back when I'm less busy, never say never and all (and also @Tawm wouldn't let me say I'm quitting forever), but I don't really think I'll be there in a year's time. Guess we'll see. Awh, thank you I will absolutely try! Always <3 'artistic' but yes <3 Oh goodness, you made me emotional Manny! fjnsmlkjaaskldjx Thank you <3
I'd go on a spiel about how sad it is to see you go but, I've also left the game for quite a bit now to get on with other things. You'll do great with this other course you've got yourself into, the hard work always pays off. Off of personal experience, felt a lot more rewarding to progress and actually get stuff done, irl -- after procrastinating on maple for so long. I'm sure you'd feel the same!!1!1! Good luck with future endeavors from here on out and don't be shy to shoot me a message for anything, whether you're visiting NY or what!1! I've actually gone around the city a lot more since you visited so I've weeded out all the shitty spots, hehe.
Aly! You're responsible for my Salem addiction so you better not leave me >.< Honestly though, I haven't known you for very long but you are such a kind and fun person! Your energy keeps our discord chats very enjoyable! (even when you're drunk and can barely talk :^) ) Best of luck to you, and let's make sure to Salem whenever we can! xoxoxox
buh bye fellow 3 year buddy. I sold you your first gen 20 pre wipe, wasn't even mentioned f3 I hope you find success
Didn't really see or talk to you alot but it was fun to get to know a magical mermaid princess and someone who also likes the same disney music that i do o well, take care c:
Hey hey Aly. Don't chu forget about our convos inside Krex's room... Literally one of the greatest convos I've ever heard to be honest. Good luck and hope you find success!!!
I wish only the best for you Aly. As I've said before, seeing/hearing all that you do inspires me to want to do more and stop sticking to my status quo. ILY Aly and good luck ! <3
Unfortunately, I never got the chance to really meet you or talk to you. But I can tell how wonderfully you shined in this community during your time here! I've also been meaning to say thanks to you personally because on my first month of playing Royals (long ago lol), you hosted a fun GM event and I was one of the winners. I didn't think I would stay on Royals for more than a month back then, but that day was one of the many reasons I chose to stay as long as I have. Thanks for bringing me to Royals, and good luck with the things that you want to accomplish! Spoiler: srry idk how ss worked back then Wow, I can barely recognize myself in the top left corner LOL.
Shame.. during my break from Maple some seriously fantastic people have left. @Aly. Man this has me so sad. I've met a lot of different people in my life, and you are without a doubt the nicest person I've ever met. You really are one of a kind. I'm so glad to have met and spoken with you in game and over discord the few times we did. Even if you had a few weird quirks haha. Thanks and good luck. I wish nothing but the very best for you.