Name: Andy Kwak Age: 19 IGN: MrKwak Alternate Characters: Nada Previous Guilds: Nada Ban History: Nada Discord/Skype: Both Reason for wanting to join: Looking for a fun guild to join as I just started this game! More for the community ya know Introduction: I will be the best MrKwak in the server
Just a reminder for all applicants to please reach out to one of the juniors (either AhLing or myself on injeenious) if you were still interested as we would love to try and get to know you folks a bit better ^^
Warm welcome to Kenny (@Kenpai ) to the guild! Also, Great Pleasure to announce our newest jr Dave (@Dapper ) New applicants feel free to find him in game if you are still interested in joining the guild.
Name: Age: 20 Ign : Alternate character : none Previous guild : kimochi Ban history : none A guild mate of yours has kind to me and help me. And what im going to do the same to new players to improve the guild reputation.
We are currently no longer recruiting. Feel free to apply once applications open up again. Thank you!
Hello all of you, my name's Baylee, Bayleef,Baelee, whatever spelling you'd like, i don't mind ;P I'm 19, and i play on mostly DatingAdvice. I am and have been in the guild Turtle (actual spelling Turtie :'C i was so sad upon finding this out!)Since i joined the server, but it's quickly dying. Kim, the leader rarely comes on, but a really friendly and kind Jr. named QuackersMoo invited me. She helped me sooo much when i started MapleRoyals and i probably wouldn't still be here without her or the guild. Quackersmoo, and the whole guild felt like my "home" in the server, but Kelly, Quackersmoo's name, most of the other Jr's and a lot of the active members had been banned for "glitch abuse" or are just not playing much because of work or school and it doesn't feel the same. ;c I had became friends with Justin ,"Pridefui" and Joey, "Cavendish", not sure what his mage's ign that's actually in Radio is called XD, and they talked really highly of the guild. I would want to join because i feel like having people who i'm close to already in a guild would make the transition a lot smoother than joining one full of strangers. I know you guys aren't accepting guild members currently, but i hope you would consider my application for a later date.OH, about the ban history, i have none , i don't plan on cheating, scamming, or anything against the ToS of both the guild and Royals. I just want to #NoLyfeGobyFarm and have some fn convorsations while doing it! . I had taken a little break from Royals for a few months, but i am back and determined! I've even gotten from level 45-129 in the matter of two weeks give or take! So i'd LOVE to dig up some dirt on "The Biebs" and become a part of the Radio fam. Oh, i also do enjoy using Skype, Curse, Teamspeak, Discord, and Mumble
Name: Danny Age: 19 IGN: Sniperette Alternate character: ----- Previous guilds: Noble, JR. and bossing manager Ban history: None. Reason for wanting to join: Friend and people; Bossing and fun times! Side note: I play on weekends mostly because I serve so I'm not always around
Name: Lun Age: 26 IGN: Martell Alternate character: none yet Previous guilds: SGkakis Ban history: none Reason for wanting to join: I met Privateer at bossing & would like to try to join a new guild.
Hi Everyone! We are opening the applications once again. If you wish to apply, please follow the format c: Code: Name: Age: IGN: Alternate character: Previous guilds: Ban history: Reason for wanting to join:
Name: Lun Age: 26 IGN: Martell Alternate character: none yet Previous guilds: SGkakis Ban history: none Reason for wanting to join: I met Privateer at bossing & would like to try to join a new guild.
Name: Kei Age: 21 IGN: AsaInu Alternate character: none Previous guilds: none Ban history: none Reason for wanting to join: I recently joined the server and was looking to meet more people! Radio seemed like a cool guild so here I am throwing an application your way :3
Name: Mike Age: 20 IGN: Sailus Alternate character: N/A Previous guilds: N/A Ban history: N/A Reason for wanting to join: I spend a lot of time in Manny's twitch chat posting dank memes.
I couldn't find either of you guys on! Please pm a junior whenever you're on! P.S I spend a lot of time afk so I promise I'm not ignoring you if I don't respond<3
Name: Cleo Age: 23 IGN: Disabella Alternate character: - Previous guilds: - Ban history: - Reason for wanting to join: I started Mapleroyals today and I'm still looking for a guild ^^ This kind person is shoutbox said you guys were still recruiting so I thought I wanted to give it a shot.
Name: Shawn Age: 20 IGN: xConAnything Alternate character: ~ Previous guilds: ~ Ban history: ~ Reason for wanting to join: To be in a community so that i can meet and chat with fellow royallers