Hi I watched the first two episodes of House of Cards recently and got hooked. Still on the first series but enjoying it a lot (and the reporter lady <3) I haven't watched many TV shows/series and would like some recommendations. The last series I watched fully was Friends lol. Other series I've watched include - Breaking bad (think I got to s4?) - Big Bang Theory (a few episodes on the plane) - How I met your mother (a few episodes) - Hollyoaks (it was after simpsons and I had nothing better to do. I see it's still on. Will it ever end?) - Seinfeld (one or two episodes) - Sex in the City (like two episodes) As far as asian/korean series - The heirs (a few episodes) - High kick 3 - A man from another star (a few episodes) - IRIS Could you guys recommend me to anything good? Also if your forum name is Celiu you may not suggest any asian or korean series. Thanks! Also - if it's super long I may grow bored of it. I watch series very slowly lol.
The Office It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Last Man Standing Fuller House Just some of the series I've watched/watching.
True Detective Season 1 - only 7 episodes + brilliant acting. Band of Brothers - 10 episodes + classic. Sherlock - 3 in each season. 9 so far. (Each episodes is roughly one and a half hours long)
Brooklyn 99 - 24 minute comedy, 3 seasons about 23 episodes each (total 69 episodes). New season starts the 20th! Daredevil - 90 minute-ish drama, 2 Seasons, 13 episodes each (total 26). Netflix original Mob Psycho 100 - 24 minute comedy/action, 1 season 9 out of 12 episodes (still airing). I've been surprised how much I actually like this show. Running Man - 60 minute-ish comedy-variety show, a lot of episodes. This is one where you can pick it up anywhere and watch it since it's not a series with a plot. Seriously one of the most consistently funny shows I've ever seen.
just finished mr. robot & narcos. cowboy bebop + samurai champloo = life archer + rick & morty = love bojack horseman + sunny in philadelphia = laughs
how to get away with murder friends the office (us version) brooklyn nine nine lost mr robot stranger things i've watched many more other shows but can't think of them right now lol
Weeds - Funny, earlier version of breaking bad except with marijuana. Narcos - If you're interested in DEA stuff, really interesting characters, new season just came out. The Wire - If you ever watched Law & Order and enjoyed that, I would HIGHLY suggest this show. Set in the late 90s in the hood of Baltimore. Anyone who has seen this show has said it is forsure their go-to show. Making a Murderer - This show will piss you off. It's a documentary of corrupt police framing a family, mainly the father or murdering a bunch of people. Happened about ~1 hour away from where I am in the redneck area of Wisconsin.
+1Narcos is great, and the second seasons came like a week ago +1 to True detective, the season 1 was great! the second one, meeh Ill also recommend Dexter, is a good and looong show, its already finished, and a well known show Mr robot if you are a techie/like computers (if you dont like it, ill also recommend it coz the show has so many stuff to think about) season 2 is ongoing and im loving it!
American Horror Story -- first season was a favorite, rest are ehh? but it's something to watch Game of Thrones -- takes a few episodes to get into but it's well worth it Arrested Development -- minus the fourth season that netflix picked up (for the laughs) Parks and Recreation (for laughs) Fargo -- the original movie is alright too [DOCUMENTARY but i've been meaning to watch it] Angel of Nanjing Sense 8 -- Another netflix show, never really been big on sci-fi mysteries but it's one to share if that's your thing The IT Crowd Dexter -- Season one was my favorite, anything past is, eh +1 to narcos, bojack horseman (for the laughs) and archer (for the laughs) personally i've been watching a lot more documentaries/old classics (mostly horror and dramas/thrillers) zz
Bob's Burgers King of the Hill News Radio Boston Legal Arrested Development And definitely get into The Big Bang Theory. Start from the first season and watch in order.
Trailer park boys - hilarious mockumentary tv show about three stoners who live in a trailer park. On netflix My name is earl- guy that was once a criminal now wants to change his life after winning $100,000 in the lottery. Sons of anarchy- deep ass biker show about betrayal and murder. Very good acting. Wilfred- a story about a mentally ill man that sees his dog as a weed smoking guy in a dog suit. Hilarious but kinda gets sad
Recommend of ; •••• Got ( Game of thrones ) " Winter is coming ". http://gameofthrones.wikia.com/wiki/Game_of_Thrones_Wiki •••• californication https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Californication_(TV_series) •••• Mr Robot https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Robot_(TV_series) •••• lucifer https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucifer_(TV_series) •••• scrubs https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrubs_(TV_series) •••• constantine https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantine_(TV_series) ••••The Hunger Games https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hunger_Games ••• i be glad to give you my option's to chose one. •••