Character Name: Cobus Last thing you did: Saying goodbye to a friend, who was going to get herself banned. Why do you think you got banned?: Looted her items (?) Ban message when attempting to log in: Suspicious behavior What GM banned you (optional): Fergus My friend was there with me, (s)he only got temp ban. Can anyone please explain? Thank you in advanced. [perma-banned for suspicious behavior]
Can you explain what you meant with this: Code: Chatlogs/Cobus/Cobus 13-09/Cobus.txt:13-09-2016 13:26:28 [To All] toph didnt give me $7. Chatlogs/Cobus/Cobus 13-09/Cobus.txt:13-09-2016 13:26:29 [To All] LOL Chatlogs/Cobus/Cobus 13-09/Cobus.txt:13-09-2016 13:26:33 [To All] he gave me mesos tho Chatlogs/Cobus/Cobus 13-09/Cobus.txt:13-09-2016 13:26:33 [To All] idm Chatlogs/Cobus/Cobus 13-09/Cobus.txt:13-09-2016 13:36:40 [To All] wait | to: Zaelia Trixxi NotYuki Chatlogs/Cobus/Cobus 13-09/Cobus.txt:13-09-2016 13:36:41 [To All] for me | to: Zaelia Trixxi NotYuki Chatlogs/Cobus/Cobus 13-09/Cobus.txt:13-09-2016 13:36:43 [To All] to get banned. | to: Zaelia Trixxi NotYuki Chatlogs/Cobus/Cobus 13-09/Cobus.txt:13-09-2016 13:36:49 [To All] depends | to: Zaelia Trixxi NotYuki Chatlogs/Cobus/Cobus 13-09/Cobus.txt:13-09-2016 13:36:51 [To All] whatre you gonna do? | to: Zaelia Trixxi NotYuki Chatlogs/Cobus/Cobus 13-09/Cobus.txt:13-09-2016 13:37:35 [To All] oh | to: Zaelia Trixxi NotYuki Chatlogs/Cobus/Cobus 13-09/Cobus.txt:13-09-2016 13:37:39 [To All] that gets you banned? | to: Zaelia Trixxi NotYuki