About to get level 50 and have saved up loads of NX for gacha, which city should I go to, to make most profit? Thanks <3
mushroom shrine is consistent money and you may even get chaos scrolls. the other places are less consistent and usually have a higher yield if you get lucky.
Mushroom Shrine is the best for consistent income since it has some valuable scrolls (chaos, int scrolls, wand/claw 30%, etc.). I'd recommend there since you're just starting out. Once you've funded yourself from Shrine gach, you can venture out to NLC, Showa, and other location for specific items (raccoon mask, maple leaf, white scroll, sky ski, stonetooth, etc).
Hello! How much would you consider "funded"? I'm starting out as a F/P mage, so I'm sure it would be expensive, since INT equips cost a lot. How much would I need to save?