IGN : xDeemo Name : Poka Level : 49 Cleric Reason : To make more friend from same country people and easy to talk with. Anyone friend will do inside the guild PS. Only can online on weekends due to inside army.
IGN (Name)/Level: Chessy/100 You can call me Ches. Where you're from: Singapore Why you want to join SGkakis : I think it'll be fun Any friends that you would know in our guild : x
141 night lord IGN: John5535 Country: Malaysia Why you want to join SGkakis: Could be fun and do want to meet more people!
IGN- MistakenSin Lvl - 26 Country - Singapore Reason - Cause I'm from singapore too ^^ Any friends in guild - bKzh (brother)
IGN (Name)/Level: Kaidan , calling me Kai is fine! Where you're from: Singapore! Why you want to join SGkakis : I really like the concept of having a guild in a private server of Old Maplestory where I may/may not be able to find some old MapleSEA friends, but it's definitely sounding fun to me! Not to mention the generosity and selfless this guild has portrayed to me by helping me out for Zak Helm. +1. Any friends that you would know in our guild : Candy!
hi john, thank you for the apply, accepted, our guild always do boss run and is very active during GMT +8 night timing. kindly pm me in game LoveYoux3 for an invite, see you in game. thank you for your application, make sure you are active and please create a forum account of your own, do not share forum account with your bro. in anyway do pm any of the above JR for an invite. hi , although i have miss out the run on helping guildies, pls pm any of the above JR for an invite. see you in game
hi all. thank you for all the application, recruitment is closed at the moment but do feel free to apply for interested people that want to join our family! SGkakis HUAT AH
<3 sherry. LOL OOPS WHY SO SIMILIAR ONE YOU 2. i thought he applied using ur forum acc. lmao sorry but got to reject your application, you can try to apply again in future when you hit higher level. hope to hear from you soon.
IGN- sbFLASH Lvl - 199 Country - USA Reason - I left Turtle Any friends in guild - Adorette, LoveYoux3 [Noob], LoveMex3 [Bigger Noob]
IGN: HostileHeart Prefered Name : Nana Level/Class : lv 27 Magician Where are you from : Singapore Why you want to join SGkakis : Because i want to be with KAIDAN <3 Any friend you would know in the guild : Kaidan.
Feel so great to be part of SGkakis! Kind souls and great people in there! ❤ SGkakis Big thanks to @Jushlro for helping me along my levels to 4th job! Many thanks to Juju, MaLaiXiYa, Propotional @ZarZar for helping me to camp Manon for 6 hours! As well as, GF LoveYoux3 @PurificatioN , Flukez, LazyNL helping me on hunting Manons and helping me on HTPQ! I am finally a Bishop! With Genesis within 26 hours! Spoiler: Bonus for Flukez's Epic Face
Sorry, rejected again. I think you belongs to quackers Ben. Added in game. Sorry but got to reject your application. Do feel free to apply in the near future.