So, I found out yesterday, thanks to a friend of mine who's new-ish at the game getting unknowingly temp-banned for it, that PPQ's minimum level requirement is level 55, and not level 51 like I initially thought, despite the PQ letting you in at that level and that going in before 55 is considered glitch abuse (I'm so sorry Taylor please forgive me). I'd like to ask, is there a visible notice anywhere for that? I put this in Feedback because I'd like to suggest making a notice for this that's easier to see, since even I had no idea and I'd been playing for a while. I'm afraid this level requirement for PPQ really isn't as well-known as people think, as I've even seen people smega while recruiting that PPQ is level 51-70 and it's not fair at all for people who had no idea to get banned for it (even though it's just a 3 day temp-ban). For those who know, sure, but new people easily get misguided by people who think it's okay. I'd say to simply fix the level requirement but I'm assuming that's an issue of difficult programming (though I fail to see how, but I'm not the programmer here), so may I suggest something like a blue notice that triggers on map entry (if that's even possible)?
I think no one should be banned for this, unless it is made VERY clear that it is not allowed. (in game, not somewhere in a server check notice). I myself too thought that the PQ was lvl 51+ as long as you have at least three lvl 55+ people. I don't understand why a fix hasn't been implemented, yet a detection mechanism is in place, which should be equally difficult as fixing it in the first place (though admittedly, I haven't seen the code).
No one gets second chances in this server, regardless of how insignificant the offense is. My friend got banned permanently a while back when I started for account sharing & "gaining an advantage" when he used a couple smegas on the account without knowledge that it was against the rules. He merchanted around ~3b in a week & asked to get all his shit removed & start over. I am pretty sure that your friend is SOL when it comes to this, because if they unban your friend, they will have to go back & unban all the others as well.
Oh this isn't an appeal, despite what it looks like. It's not about those who are already banned, but about preventing this from happening any further.
Thank you for everyone's input feedback here and in the shoutbox. This issue is being discussed among staff as to what should be done!
I don't understand why you're banning people for this. The PQ, and the script itself allows level 51 players to enter. I've been here a little while, a month, and have never heard of anything like that until today when I smegad. This is not stated in the rules, and the script allows level 51s to join. On what basis could you ban people? This is extremely unfair to those people.
I don't think they intentionally "put in" the ability for people below 55 to join, sometimes bugs just happen. But yeah a scrolling banner like the ch 3 broken banner we have now would be completely sufficient until something more permanent is decided. When people smega "R> PPQ 51-70" and I whisper them a warning that they could be banned, they think I'm wrong and continue to do it anyway.
Though not the easiest to find announcement, the thread about Herb Town Party Quest can be found when searching the following: This search query leads to this thread where we've stated that Herb Town Party Quest is working for levels 55-200. Within that thread you can also find a link to the bbb hiddenstreet page for the party quest where it states the original level range to be 55-100. This is for reference for players who are unaware of the intended level range of this party quest. With that said it is definitely possible for any player who has been on the forum (supposedly everyone since our T&C is found on the forums) to be able to find this thread. However I am well aware that we're all human beings, that not everyone will look up every thread ever and more importantly that a lot of people know this pq as Pirate PQ rather than Herb Town Party Quest (which makes it harder for players to find the thread). I also understand that some players were to assume that the party quest was intended to be for lvl 51 and above since both Orbis pq and Lmpq start at that level. Even though I understand the arguments that have been brought up, including the ones I've mentioned in this paragraph, I do have to mention that assuming that something is working as intended when it is not should not be used as an excuse to be allowed to do it the unintended way. And I'd also like players to please keep in mind that those who were misinformed about the intended level range were not misinformed by information provided by Staff, but rather by information provided by other players who assumed it was that way. At the same time I do have to admit that we could and maybe should make the information about party quest level ranges more accessible so that players don't have to search for server check threads related to the release of these party quests, this in case one of our party quests experiences a bug such as the one present right now. As for the bug related to Herb Town Party Quest; though I don't want to go too much into detail about how the bug exactly works, I do want to state that the bug is far worse than just lvl 51 players entering this party quest. The reason to why we monitor this party quest pretty actively at the moment is because there have been cases we've had to ban for that are far worse than the ones presented in the ban appeal section, which is a part of the reason to why we struggle to be lenient towards the abuse of this glitch. We are actively discussing whether or not we keep the players banned that were caught entering ppq between levels 51 and 54, but we have not yet come to a conclusion. We are also actively looking for a way to fix the bug to prevent further glitch abusing from happening. I think that's about all I can share for now about this subject.
If the bug is still present in it's current state innocent players are likely to fall into it and get banned. If the bug is difficult to fix or you're not willing to be lenient on people level 51-54 doing the pq then it may be best to disable the pq all together.
^ Thank goodness! So now only level 55+ players will be able to enter, under any circumstances, and whatever else players were abusing that PQ for has been fixed as well?