If I am correct, one character can obtain as many deputy stars as he can. Why is it not just 1 star for 1 person? I think it's creating a monopoly.. Shouldn't it be 1 star for 1 person? Is it because the star is considered OP?? It should be 1 star for 1 person.
~180m for a +5 all stat necklace....thats not too shabby tbh. your other options are gaching a horus eye or paying for a horntail pendant
Deputy star was less than 50m in GMS when I played. This because one person can only get one star, and that means DK's can't make a bunch and sell. Instead, they can sell the toe for 20m. The price will drop by a landslide.
Uh... 1 per person would mean that there are less Deputy Stars on the market. Rather than lower the cost, the price would go up instead. Sure Deputy Star was 50mil on GMS, but that's due to their meso drop rating being lower and due to the existence of Mark of Narican from CWKPQ.
i just have a question, how could there be a monopoly on something that requires multiple rare drops, between my 14x dk and 13x hero i've killed about 40 BF's over months and seen two toes. thats not even counting the almost as rare HH drop among the other easier to farm items. so unless someone has insane luck its not a very "good" farm-able item profit per time wise. (leaving the question, why would someone even try to monopolize it?)
It's a monopoly for those who can kill BF. The reason the price is so high because people with high levels can only get the stars. If you haven't read my second post in this thread, please do.
Erm, this isn't really a monopoly though since anyone can make one as soon as they can bf... And like mentioned above, the lack of repeatable quests will make it scarcer and drive the price up, not down since there are no good/reliable alternatives to a dep star until 120 (if you choose to buy a htp which is also expensive)
This guy sold hundreds of stars. Don't tell me standard oil succeeded from diligence. Can't wait for the update...
If you've searched this individual up on the forums, he's been playing since July 2015. He didn't sell 100 stars over a short period, so don't you think you're a bit biased over a few sentences he said?
I'm only pointing out that he is one of the handfuls that sells deputy stars. I keep saying this but GMS v62 did not offer repeatable quests. I don't think I'm going in-depth to explain why this is dumb. There is no point because the GM's also know this is stupid and that's exactly why they are gonna update to limit 1 per person.
But like you've said before, they've acknowledged and that'd change in the new source. So why're you targeting and complaining about specific groups of individuals who are merely just lucky at finding BFs (and have a toe drop) to forge the deputy star.
I've been playing since....What, June 2014? I've killed hundreds of bigfoots on my NL, I've gotten probably 30 toes in that time. When I came back from a break I had 12 toes saved still, and I've been able to slowly make dep stars and sell them. There is not a monopoly because everyone has the ability to become a high enough level to kill bigfoot. Everyone has the ability to make a class that can kill it. It's an equal opportunity, just because you don't have it yet doesn't mean it's a monopoly. A monopoly would be if no one else was able to do it at all and the only dep stars that were made were made by that one person only. The way maplestory works doesnt lend itself to monopolies very well anyway.