Ap reset? Charm? Tele rocks? Gachapon? If gachapon, which? (By gachapon, I mean statistically). I'm braindead.
Well, the best way IMO is using them on Gacha. Normally, 1k NX = 3m mesos. If you try to sell AP Resets, they would worth like 8.5m each (on a good price), which means that you are not getting a good deal, because they worth 3.1k NX each. With TP Rocks is much better, because you can take 6 for 2.5k NX, and you will sell them for 1.5m each (2,5k NX in this case will worth 9m, not 7.5m as common). So let's think about TP Rocks and compare this with Gacha Tickets... If you have 30k NX, you will be able to buy 35 Gacha Tickets OR 12 x 6 = 72 TP Rocks (30k : 2.5k = 12). If you sell all TP Rocks (that wont be easy), you will get 72 x 1.5m = 108m and, with 35 Gacha Tickets you have the possibility of getting 300m, almost 3x more than selling TP Rocks. Moreover, this is a server and Gacha might be a good way to have fun also. Most of people recommends to go Mushroom Shrine's gacha or NLC, where you can get Chaos and White Scrolls respectively. On the first one you will be able to get a lot of different good dark scrolls, so I think it's better (even though I havent get anything in my last). You can go Sleepywood too, you can find Masks (around 100m) and BVM (around 280m~290m)
Possibility of getting 300m? I think it's completely wrong. I did 315 gachs on mushroom shrine you recommended go to and got a pile of dog shits without any chaos scroll Maybe the wrong is me lol
Throw your nx in my face. The joy you can gain is priceless, and I gain from the NX, win-win situation.
If you are looking for something other than lucrative use of Nx, I recommend adopting a pet and equip it out with Meso Magnet, Item Pouch, Wing Boots, Binoculars, and HP Regen. It is significantly less work farming/grinding with a pet looting after your kills than doing it yourself. If you play warrior, having a pet restoring your HP saves you a lot of effort. But keep an eye on your HP bar, I find the pet is not 100% reliable when it comes to keeping its owner alive.