The fame option is always enabled (the arrows are orange and clickable). If I have famed someone less than 24 hours ago, the fame option is still available, but after clicking an arrow I get a chat message saying to wait. This is a problem for trading or selling fame because I don't actually know if i can fame someone. Suggestion: Disable the fame arrows if I have famed someone less than 24 hours ago Pros: UI makes sense and it is easier to trade or sell fame Cons: Difficulties in code?
Or, if you plan on selling fame regularly, just write it down maybe? Or make fame mules to make sure you can fame as much as you want to.
I could, but doesn't it make sense to have all relevant game related info on the game platform itself rather than having to store it else where? For example without a buddy list, would you say it is appropriate to write down my friends' names on a piece of paper? I don't think so; it is more sensible to have the friend info on the game platform itself. So you are saying that I can just create a new account to bypass the 24 hour cool down? Or are you saying that I can create multiple accounts to vote multiple times per 24 hours? If its the latter, I still fall into the problem of not knowing if 24 hours have passed. I would also have to make sure that all of my fame mules are capable of faming at the current time.
You can own multiple accounts with multiple characters, and you can use those characters to sell/buy fames. But you cannot vote on more than 1 account per 24 hours.
Very flawed reasoning. The buddy aspect of the game is extremely important, fame selling is optional and not important at all. In my opinion it's not worth the effort to code this. As for making extra characters, yes that is allowed. I remember someone once made 500 fame mules. But no, you cannot vote multiple times.
Adding a command to have a timer for boss cooldowns has been brought up multiple times, and the suggestion for it has been declined every time. This because we've stated multiple times we do not want to add more commands to the game, but rather reduce the amount. As for the original suggestion in this thread, I kind of question the importance of it and I am to believe it would have a very low priority and shouldn't be worked on at this time.
@Karven it would be nice if the fame reset per 0000 GMT. This was how it worked in the main maplestory server
Are you sure? I may be wrong, but what i experienced wasn't what you said. I had to wait 24 hours from the time i famed a player to fame another. P/s: Someone who has left official server since 2013 and didn't bother faming anyone ever since.
I can confirm what Shiro said is true (around 2006) . Or if MapleSEA did changed it at later time then I don't know.