I have lvl 131 NL, and not long ago I'v reached my goal (7600 hp by lvl 155), which means I'll get the remaining hp I need from lvling up. So I'v converted all my abse int into luk and dex. The thing is, people tell me I'll need at least 9.2k hp in order to survive HT, which means i'll have to gain more hp by pumping ap into hp (and I won't be able to cover all the luk ill lose untill higher lvls since my int gears aren't good enaugh). What should I do form here?
I can't help you without more details. Please post a photo of your raw HP/MP/stats and stats with your INT gears?
Let's assume you want to have 9.6k at 155. NL's gain, on average 22 hp from leveling/washing. That means you will need about 73 levels worth of hp. From leveling up, you will get 24 of those. That means you will need 49 washes in that time span to get your desired HP. If you have no base INT, meaning you can't mp wash either, you're going to need 236 int from equips. This is pretty much unattainable. You're either going to have to wait a little longer to HT, or add some base INT back.
Thanks for you'r replies~ Right now I have 7112 HP, 2166 MP (15 avable washes) and 74 int from gears (78 total int). As for now I see 2 options: - Pump points in hp although it will take some time to recover these points (assuming my goal is 9.6k hp, I'll need 75 extra ap in hp, which is more or less 300 points less in my range. As much as I know, NL's power source is more depanded on equipes and external things such as SE and apples, so I don't think its a too big loss). - Pump points in int (from fresh ap or points ill move from luk to int), and start collecting mp again for a while. Btw, why am I need this amount of hp for HT? Sila's guide says 7.6k hp is enaugh for HT without HB.
I'm curious how much hp you need for HT too. Also, if I wanted to HP wash to be able to tank a body hit, how much would I need?
You don't need 9.2k if you are an NL. Just make sure not to jump when doing legs/tail so that you don't get hit by the wings and use dark sight when you climb up if they are still alive. 9.1k is for characters that don't have dark sight like BMs.