I think Aly decided to bail in the end (at least this was the case I last time I spoke to her). I personally can't make it cause I'm moving back to uni that day~
tbh I can still do it if people are interested just a tad busy to organise it if I'm honest! @Maffoo @AccelRose @AdamBrone @JJFrankz How's this saturday? !!!! I'm noting Ty, Jake and Eunice as able to come so lmk if that changes I'll think of what we should do in the meantime ^.^ Adam and Frankie I need to see you both so here's your chance before I get even busier@@@!
oooh awesome! join us! Add me on discord if you have it; Aly#0782 otherwise just message me your skype/number/line/whatever! yayyyyyyy
REVIVING THIS THREAD. BUT GUESS WHO I MET 30MINS AGO. THE ONE AND ONLY @Jeen. Did I mentioned how nervous and weird I was prior to meeting her? But it was cool. I played it cool and we hung out - drove up a mountain to "sight see" .. well more like having a talk about random stuff, ate some open faced sandwiches, drank bubble tea, and conversed about more random stuff at a bar. No pics cause they're all on snapchat ): <
So... looks like I'll be in London again on Feb 22 and Feb 26 on my way to and from St. Andrews. Am doing a few things on my own already, but if anybody is possibly interested in being debaucherous (or touristy, that's also an option) with me, hit me up! @Aly @Stan @Moo @Ch0rus or anyone else