1. Name, class, level, timezone you live in yuumi, bishop, 154, gmt+8 2. Tell us a fun fact about yourself Baduk and gomuku(OMOK) lover. 3. How long have you been playing MapleStory? MapleRoyals? Maplestory played since i was 6. On and off till i quit after 2012ish. Mapleroyals on and off since 2014. 4. What was your favorite part about old GMS? Definitely exploring the maps with my brother/friends. Each time we could explore only so far before we get killed. Until now i have yet to explore the whole victoria island lol. 5. You're stuck on a farm.What do you do? Plan such that i will have an endless supply of livestock. Proceed to have fried chicken for the rest of my life.
Hi yuumi! Thank you for your interest in our farm I am also a lover of friend chicken. We're both online right now, so I'll shoot you an invite! Most of us are in the EST/PST timezone, but we have another member who lives in GMT+8, so hopefully you two will see each other online often.
1. Name, class, level, timezone you live in: discreet 2. Tell us a fun fact about yourself: i'm fun 3. How long have you been playing MapleStory? MapleRoyals?: much long 4. What was your favorite part about old GMS?: putting all my AP into STR to make my i/l stronger #OGBattleMage 5. You're stuck on a farm. What do you do? : wreck havoc
1. Eistee, mage, lvl10 (just started today^^), GMT+1 2. you cant think about funny thing you did when you have to xDD you always know what funny things you did when you dont really need it xDD 3. played Maplestory europe since 2009 and i tried a few pserver but none of them gave me the old maplestory feeling xD 4. the legendary henesys map 5. i would live there and make good money with selling meat lol
1. OvaryActing, Hero, 166, EST (Name, class, level, timezone you live in) 2. Super hyper, like all the time 25/8 (Tell us a fun fact about yourself) 3. Maple story since 2005 Beta, and stopped when BB came out. Maple royals played a few months in 2015, then quit due to daily DC and unstable server. Started again since September 2016, and server seems a lot more stable now. (How long have you been playing MapleStory? MapleRoyals?) 4. Endless grinding, and KS war (What was your favorite part about old GMS?) 5. Set myself on fire, and run as fast as I can to see if it will go off. (You're stuck on a farm. What do you do? )
BTW, I'd recommend all APQ activities should be illegal in this guild. Killing innocent helpless little creatures (mutated buttlefly, mutated one eye monster, green/purple slimes, monkies, horses, and giant mutated bat) to farm some rotten blue apples should be against a good farmer's rule.