Religious yet toxic player I've encountered. He was afking for more than 3mins(not a single item on the ground).
This is legit hilarious, seeing him getting so mad and uptight over a game, a map what's more, with no worth in real life value at all. He should be banned for defamation as well, seeing how "Ginna" smega'ed, which means he's spreading false information about you. Childish as fuck.
some of us (idk if op) just find these situations funny so banning some1 for a thing that doesnt offend u at all seems wrong
Imo toxic is toxic regardless one find it offensive or not. For your description, i think it fits more to a situation where one player making fun of the others, in which whether such action is perceived as a harmless joke or a "harassment"
Yeah but this thread is called" funny encounters with toxic players", I have been insulted and "harassed" by toxic people too, but maybe I don't take it personal/beyond the game and it just makes me laugh, but I also know not everybody reacts like this. So my point is (wrong or not) reporting people for something that doesn't hurt you seems wrong.
As stated above, if it doesn't actually offend you or upset you, then reporting it is just reporting for the sake of it which doesnt get looked at seriously/gets ignored. No, we dont like to let people 'get away' with things, but if it isn't actually upsetting you then it isn't that bad. (Or you just have a tough skin )
Doesn't matter. Sooner or later he's to come across other players and do the same to them. Players are supposed to enjoy themselves in a game, not getting insulted by this toxic person. It honestly isn't good for the server atmosphere. Even if OP isn't offended, he'll likely come across some, insult them and they get offended and their day gets ruined or worse. If nothing is done about this, then I might as well go and be toxic to everyone in the game, ruin their day and see how you like it and what happens. Same thing can be applied in a real life scenario. If someone beats you up for some petty stuff, but you are good at taking hits or whatever and you don't mind, sure. But nothing is done about him, he goes and beat others up and they get hurt real bad. I might be going a little overboard there but you get my point hopefully. I hate seeing nothing's done when there's obviously something wrong going on.