Hi~ Lately I'v started doing bosses, and from some reason I get Dc each time I do zak and krex. In krex I get dc a little bit after killing the left eye, and in zak I get dc a little after summoning the boss. Im a nl so I have no other ways to lvl, so what should I do? Thanks~
We might be able to help you better if you can give us more information about your computer (model, operating system, graphics card).
My computer is very old so idk the model, windows 7 and the graphic card isnt the best too (nvidia one that i bought in 50 dollars). The thing ia that I could do bosses flawlessly not long ago, and now idk whats going on.
You should take a look at this guide here. From what I see, using a Nvidia graphics card is likely the cause to why you're disconnecting at boss runs.
as jennn said check that guide, also maybe change ur game compatability mode if you havent already, default is windows 98, change it to windows 7 that might help with some dc issues i know it has for others. and make sure you're gfxing properly in runs, i.e when i enter krex i gfx like this and i never d/c enter krex>gfx one time before spawn> kill first eye> gfx again. and zak im not sure how others do it i have some people say they gfx right before body dies, but i do it just after and never dc that way.
For Zakum, usually you'd GFX when you enter the altar > GFX again after the arms spawn > then GFX before each body spawns It'd be similar for Horntail once you reach that level.. GFX before each preheads > GFX when you enter main body > GFX when HT spawns > GFX before each body part dies. It also doesn't hurt to GFX more than once.. it refreshes your screen/client iirc.
I tried to gfx as you adviced me in zak, at first it worked, but I got dc after killing the first body (I gfxed after we killed it). I didn't understand what did you mean by changing my game compatability mode, can you explain me what should I do in order to change that? If even this wont work, I guess I'll leave bossing as for now.
Right click on ur mapleroyals, click properties, select compatability out of the 6 options, you will see the default is windows 98 it runs in, click change settings for all users at the bottom and change it to windows 7 and then apply it.
Check if you have windows defender/firewall etc on Win defender and other software identify the royals client as a virus and often try to block it and you will dc a lot in the middle due to this (usually closing the client and showing some error) And obviously you won't have a win 7 mode since your system is windows 7 itself o.o You could just go without any mode at all with win 7 (though I think win 98 mode works pretty well except for apq where it needs to relog after each pq)
It doesn't show error messages after I get dc, but if I got you correctly, the problem isn't in the win mode, and I should try to play with my untivirus off, and if even this wont work I should get a new graphic card.