Hey everyone, I've got an Arch Mage, which is level 128 at the moment and I'm able to one hit both Ulu1 and Ulu2. I have an HS mule and my price is normal - 45m/hr solo and 25m/hr for split. These prices are definitely fair and worth it since you will be getting a huge amount of EXP seeing as I am low level. I levelled someone from 90 to 94 yesterday (a little more even), in 1 hour. If you're interested, PM me here or in game - HugeRooster.
Just came in to give some feedback about this guy's service. Very professional in terms of servicing. Told me his policies and stopped timer for when he had to NPC or there was a DC. The exp was great, him being level 130 really made it faster compared to a 140 or 145. 1 Shot AND Has a HS mule too. Friendly as well had some nice chatting about items and such. Recommended if anyone wants top quality leeching.
Great leecher! Even went the extra step to give me the last 3% for me to level up even after my time was up! Would recommend.
Thanks for the positive feedback! I also sell 2 HIT Petris. Seeing as I'm level 135 this is pretty fast as well.
Hi im Fatboy95 and im currently buying from HugeRooster at ulu2; Sorry just had to drop some feedback on this guy wouldnt be fair if i didnt : 1. Very professional leech seller; paused his timer when he needed to npc and honest about time. So if ya looking for a honest seller for long hours this will be the perfect guy! 2. Has good rotation. What i mean by good rotation is the mastery of 'predicting spawns' and rotating around the map for the fastest speed of kill. Also this guy ignores equipment drop, not saying he dosent loot them, but he dosent go out of his way to loot em, his logic being (i'll still loot all em anyway sooner or later) i think this is great bc not many sellers out there do that, this guy does put exp as first priority and god is he fast at spamming that blizzard. Thumbs up!
aww were basically on the opposite side of the world, i wake up when youre done hahaha maybe i should wake up earlier and snag like 2 hours of leech
I will only be selling Petris split leech at 40m/hr from now on! The thread will be further updated during the week.