The meso cap is 2,147,483,647 which is the maximum value of a 32-bit signed int. Since negative mesos is impossible, this could easily be increased to 4,294,967,295 by using an unsigned int instead. The amount of bytes required to store an unsigned int is the same as a signed int. HP/MP cap are capped at 30,000 which seems a bit arbitrary to me. Maybe they are stored as signed shorts (max 32,767), but this could easily be increased to 65,535 without increasing storage space by using an unsigned short instead (max hp/mp can't be below 0 anyway). The max stat of an item is 255. One might expect this to be stored as a byte or unsigned char, but is in fact stored as a short (max 32,767), so this cap could easily be increased too. (It currently only affects one item; maroon mop, but still) I don't think there are many or any ingame objections one could make. A max HP or MP higher than 30k doesn't make you overpowered or much stronger, and I think almost everyone would appreciate an increase of the mesos cap.
think mapleroyals is about giving u that old school feeling which imo they deliver. I think increasing the cap of mesos/hp/mp would break the nostalgia and the sole purpose of maple royals although that's just my opinion edit: we also have the ws/cs which is a reliable currency to bypass the mesos cap
Sure, for new content, this is a concern, but are people really nostalgic about the meso cap or HP / MP cap?
If possible this seems like a decent idea. Pretty sure too many people will complain about "nostalgia" though.
I support the idea of increasing the mesos cap, not sure how I feel about the HP / MP cap though, maybe it can be introduced once the level cap is also increased (if that will ever happen)?
I second the mesos cap raise. I think there is very few reason not to incorporate this in the new source.
I have not (idk how to). Why do you think it is impossible? EDIT: I looked into the code and found this: I'm not very familiar with enumerators, but 180008 (the identifier for pet) in binary is 0001 1000 0000 0000 0000 1000, which suggest that is is a 24 bit value (or at least 21 bit). EDIT 2: I found that item stats are stored as shorts (max 32,767), not bytes/unsigned char, so I don't understand why items stats are capped at 255. (it currently only affects one item; maroon mop, but if this cap is arbitrary rather than software-limited, than I recommend removing it).
The problem is, you are looking at some Java source code for a server someone made. Just because you make the code send a long value to the client, if the client isn't coded to accept a long, it's not going to be happy. Remember, communication between the client and the server is two way. Since the client cannot really be edited, we (the server), have to write our code to send values that the client will accept and know how to handle. Again, I don't know definitely, but seeing as I have never seen another server that allows over 2.1 bil as a value for mesos, there must be some client limitation holding everyone back from doing it. Of course, with a custom client, we could pull something like that off, but not with the current client as far as I know.
Thanks for your reply! So would this be possible in the new source then? Also, I couldn't find a private server with higher caps either, but GMS has a higher meso and HP/MP cap.
I dont think increasing the hp cap is good. Poor ocd people are gonna spend even more washing to whatever is the new cap. Increasing mp cap would be nice though, since its pretty easy to achieve cap mp on mages. Could possibly make custom hp caps for ea class, but that could just be too custom
A new client would be possible, but new source itself would not allow the unsigned int to be used as you had originally proposed. And GMS has higher because they have updated their client many times since, so they probably have changed data types since releasing the v62/v83 clients.
Regarding the hp/mp cap, wouldn't an easier alternative be just to lower the damage done by bosses in general?