While we're waiting for the new source, my friend convinced me to mess around on Global Maplestory with her. That is my latest failure. Spoiler In my defense it's Reboot, that's the only way we'd touch GMS. Edit: THIS LAG IS UNHOLY I REGRET EVERYTHING
Spent hundreds of millions on equips and 30% scrolls, all my equips got destroyed, out of 37 scrolls only 1 worked. Then I went to use 70 gach tickets at shrine, only thing I got of value was one 30% bow att, the rest were watermelons/elixirs/useless hp and def scrolls. While I was gaching halfway someone just randomly joins my channel beside me, INSTANTLY gets a chaos scroll, calls me a noob, and leaves. Then when I finished gaching some beginner comes over and loots the humongous pile of hp and def scrolls that I dropped around me, and tells me my life sucks. Maybe I should quit this game.
Got 13 dex 15 luk helm at first, relooted so I got 15 dex 13 luk instead. If that wasn't disappointment enough, well... out of 10 Helm DEX 60% scrolls this is how many passed: