Discussion in 'Selling' started by sunny1989, Jul 15, 2016.
19att 11str sold add 19att 10str shield
add 29tmatt shield
which one ?
29tmatt sold add 27tmatt shield
B new stuff
new shield 29&26tmatt
Sb 26tma shield
S/b 29 tma shield
noted b
750 on the 26
noted !! selling in 24 hour
1.15b for the 29tma shield
770 @ 26 tma
780m for 26tma shield
update c/o 2 shields selling in 12 hours
26tmatt sold a.w @Vycrose 29 tmatt shield is yours when can you be online for trade?
Hi I can either online now , or roughly 8 hour later. When you're on? What's your ign in game.
185m earring (need 2)
Separate names with a comma.