Hello, is it okay to summon my phoenix and afk at voodoos? (manually resummon every 2 mins) Do I have to do the quest chain once to get the Deputy Star or can I just do the "lost in translation" right away? if I can, is lost in translation repeatable?
To the first question the answer is yes but you should also issue an attack skill to hold map ownership since summons are not counted as an attack skill. YOu just cannot be botting. The second one is you need to complete the quest chain once then to repeat it you need to turn in all the materials at the same time to receive another dep star.
Do I get the deputy star from completing the chain quest for the first time? I have one toe and I want to help my friend make a dep star not sure if I can do it
on your first completion you do get a dep star and you can turn in the required materials in any order