This took longer than it should have. Also, I'm gladly accepting donations of Red Snail Shells and Green Apples!
Vigi has perfect lights! I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU VIGI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2x after a lot of Alt+Tabbing for Arrested Development. If anyone wishes to add me as a buddy, go ahead. IGN: Cortz It should be a nice distraction!
Successfully scrolled another pair of White Gomushin shoes that had one defense more than the previous one Also I notice that I made it into the top 100 Islanders rankings
Whalecum back JERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY <3 @J3rry Spoiler P/S: To those who don't know this, Jerry was meme-kicked from the guild by Jerry