121ATT 9STR 4slots Stonetooth Sword 127ATT 15STR Stonetooth Sword - s/b 1.5b, a/w 1.9b - c/o 1.5b @RockCandie 125ATT 15STR Stonetooth Sword - s/b 1b, a/w 1.4b - c/o 1.2b in game 124ATT 13STR Stonetooth Sword - s/b 700m, a/w 1b - c/o 700m @Slon124ATT 12STR Stonetooth Sword - s/b 700m, a/w 900m 124ATT 11STR Stonetooth Sword - s/b 700m, a/w 850m 123ATT 13STR Stonetooth Sword - a/w 700m 121ATT 9STR Stonetooth Sword - a/w 400m Picture(s) may be provided upon request Items can be found for A/W at ch1 fm10 Jiwoo/ch1 fm15 PoIaris/ch2 fm3 MusicBox Spoiler: sold 122ATT 10STR Stonetooth Sword - a/w 500m in shop 128ATT 17STR Stonetooth Sword - 7ws in game (2.1b) 124ATT 11STR Stonetooth Sword - 800m in game 128ATT 17STR Stonetooth Sword - 2.1b @xLastNL 125ATT 13STR Stonetooth Sword - 1.15b in game 122ATT 10STR Stonetooth Sword - a/w 500m in shop
Sold one 122ATT 10STR Stonetooth Sword for a/w 500m in shop and one 128ATT 17STR Stonetooth Sword for 7ws in game; c/o on the other 128/17 goes to @RockCandie since he offered first C/o's updated ^^ Edit: Just sold a 124ATT 11STR Stonetooth Sword for 800m in game as well ♥
Sold the other 128ATT 17STR ST for 2.1b; all sold items are moved to the sales history and the others listed are still available ^^ Edit: + sold a 125/13 ST for 1.15b in game ^^
I don't think I'll deviate more than 100m from the prices of the stonetooths with only an a/w listed, sorry! Offer on the 127/15 noted ^^~ will sell this weekend