so i got pressured into posting this hahaha found them more than a week ago, didnt bother telling anyone except maybe 1 or 2 people funny thing was i didn't realise they were 16 speed till like 2 days later when i was just npcing useless equips i present you 16 speed maplemas lights that aren't even blue... or as lolzor called it 'mememas lights'
Seeing quite a number of people had already obtained 16speed light. Chances of hunting a 16speed light or preparation for coming exam in 2days time? A hard decision to make! T_T
I only wrote down the names of the item(s) when I actually received said item(s); I did this progressively since the start of the Christmas Event. And after 27,950 Stars of Maplemas Spirit, I have finally received one of every single item from Maple Claws!~ Oh, and I also reached 60,000,000 Mesos. Only five blue Christmas Event Weapons though... Out of 170+ Drops...