IMO, the new source sucks and has ruined the game for me. I can't use MAC to play anymore.(Rip) And then the fm button gets removed. My favourite part was talking to friends / guildies in fm while I grind/apq. I really want the old source back not sure if I should buy a new pc to play on
Obviously people are going to vote for the source that would be up & running compared to the one that is down. I say come back to this in a week or two & see how people feel. Even a month from now when people get used to the FM button removal. I don't agree with the removal of it either, but shit happens. Maybe they'll add it back in since it seems as if the community as a whole thinks that the GMs are wrong on this one when they think the opposite.
Removal of FM warp, doing APQ only twice a day,... some of these limits I may not totally agree with for the new source, but I'm usually up to try new things. I remember when Super Megaphones used to drop from mobs and when I came back on they didn't anymore, I was a bit disappointed about it, now I don't mind. I think these limitations are alright, they just take time to get used to.
The new source isn't even up yet for the most part and there's already complaints to go back to the old one. To me it seems most players keep forgetting one important things: The new source is said to be a much more stable base foundation for the content it could possibly provide. Currently this source has a very poor stability track record but I'm confident that once those bugs are ironed out and the old content + new content has been added that the maple experience here will be better than ever. To make a real world example, we basically went from an old ureliable car to a good new engine and body. The steering wheel, seats, radio, windows and muffler still need to be installed however once they are our driving experience will be a lot better, hell we're even getting air conditioning which the old car didn't have. Now I'm a new player, so I don't know much of the track record and history of the server and how the staff handles things here, however I'm going to assume that the staff has the players best interest in mind. Two weeks downtime and another four weeks of limited functionality might go a long way towards improving the overall experience six months down the line. No more DC's during bossing, less lag in any form, no more random crashes on top of new content seems like a pretty sweet deal. What I do agree with though is that the lack of (centralized) communication combined with inexplicable (perceived) negative changes to the overall gameplay experience has players up in arms. I'm confident that this all has to do more with overall poor communication skills or at least lack of experience with communication on this scale rather than ill intent towards the current playerbase. A few paragraphs of information about what exactly is going on, what the long term vision is and why the unpopular changes have been made with the betterment of the community in mind would have gone a long way to reduce player frustration.
People hating the new source without even playing it is like hating on food without even tasting it. You guys should go chillax or something.
It seems the owner has the intentions of making this server, what they want, not what the community wants, but the GM's still listen, and are VERY open to idea's, although those idea's coming into reality take time, it does happen. thing's on this server are very slow, and for that reason its a good idea to relax when playing this server, not only that, but maple is a very slow game overall, and should not be taken seriously. That's what i have learned from the 1 and a half+ (Aprox) Years i have been playing. this game is so much fun and i love it. but when we have to wait nearly a week now, just to get into the servers? I can kind of see why people are getting angry, i'm not. just frustrated. I know they are trying their best though, and kevin (the only developer in the team) Is doing his best to get these issues resolved. (Please note, my join date doesn't mean anything, as i had an account before this, it was my main account at the time.)
That's an inaccurate comparison. You're just talking about all the good features without accounting for the inconveniences. Specifically, the mandatory boat rides, expiring pets and shops, and loss of wrap to fm button. Anyone can tell nx expiring is just a ploy for nexon to get more money. Oh, your pet died? Fork out your wallet and buy nx! But pets are not the worst. Now new players have to juggle between selling nx and buying a merchant for (idk) every 14 days. If it's meant to be an nx sink ap resets are already doing a marvellous job thank you. It's also not really fun when you have to account for 24hr shop reset. Ooh! I got a fm 1 spot! -puts down shop- -shop disappears- Fuck it expired! Then some other player swoops in to steal your spot. How is that fair? Boat rides. Our community is peanuts compared to gms. There's not enough people online to socialise with during rides! Anyway it's meant to be a time sink so thats even more irritating. Wrap to fm. It's not as important as the first two but it's still a pain in my butt. So to fix your analogy (I'm not a car person btw), let's say your new fancy car is your only means of transport. Like everything else, it's not flawless. Every 14 days, your car will malfunction. Not just that, you'll have to wait ten to fifteen minutes to get in and out during that one chance the door will finally unlock. And lastly, parking spaces are no longer abundant. You have to park at a very specific spot designed by the city. It may be miles away from your destination, but who cares?
I've mentioned in those in other posts I've made, didn't feel like they were relevant in bringing them up here. I'm vehemently opposed to the boat rides to the point where it might actually end up being a deal breaker for me, skeptical about NX items expiring but I can understand some arguments in favor and am neutral about the FM button. However these are minor and actual somewhat inconsequential things in the big picture, the staff and specifcally the owner seem to have made up their minds on implementing those and we're stuck at least having to give those changes a try. However I do hope they're wise enough to reconsider these changes if they do not pan out as intented, and I'd very much suggest they make an official announcement in its own specific thread in why they made these changes and what long term effects they think these changes might have, and also that they're going to be open for debate over these changes. Not going to bother with another expansive car analogy, but lets just say not everyone is agreeing on the color it has and what pre-programmed radio stations we're going to include.
Water of life only costs you 4.5k NX, which you can easily obtain from 1 day of voting. Also, your pet doesn't die every weekend. It dies every 3 months. That's a pretty long span of life for a virtual pet. Assuming you would vote every day, you would accumulate a total of ~720k NX. And the item to revive your pet is only 4.5k... I really wonder, is that really too much for you? And I can't help but to laugh at your argument on expiring merchant shop, especially on your example given. FM1 spot? Ayy, let's talk about how fair the current, non-expiring merchant shop is. Got FM1 spot after SC? Sweet! -Sets up shop!- Everyday, before logging off, just 10-20 minutes before the actual time of shop disappearing, you go back to your FM1 spot and reopen your shop. Poof! -Shop reopens for another 24 hours-. Rinse, repeat, and you'll have that FM1 spot for yourself for the rest of the remaining days until the next server checks. Sounds absolutely fair, doesn't it?
I can not agree more with this, especially since they're complaining before actually having seen the menu ! Back in the days a lot of people bought the cheap 90 day store permits, I don't see why they wouldn't be able to do so here, since that item will be found in the cash shop as well. With that said, for the combination of pet and merchant, players have to sacrifice 1 single vote every 90 days to keep the both of them at a 100% uptime. Is that really such a big deal that you have to complain about it? 8k NX or whatever it is the both of them combined cost? Boat rides in general is something we want to have working as intended, because afterall it is a part of the game. In the old source we couldn't really make them work, which is why we tried again for the new source and hopefully they will work this time around. Whether boat rides will stay mandatory or not, is something we will discuss /after/ people have tried them out on Mapleroyals. That's how people usually find accurate results on whether things works or not, by testing them out.
So, you're asking how is it fair that you have to account for your merchants expiring date and if you forget about it someone can take your spot. Simple anwser its fair because its the same for everyone. your parents let you use their car for a year and they were even generous enough to pay for your gas during that whole year. But after that year they wanted you to pay for the gas when ever you use the car. While you used the car during the first year you were also given free parking by your parents, now that the year is up you can chose between free parking x amount of minutes away or you could pay for parking at the desired location. During the year your car has had acces to a teleport function that takes you straight to the gas station, but you and your freinds abused this function so much that your parents decided to disable it so if you want to go to the gass station you have to drive all the way there.
I don't quite follow why people want the old source back. It's not like they've PLAYED the new source yet . Suuure, it's going on a week and the staff is dealing with a Cluster-truck full of problems to fix, yet no one seems to realize getting upset and raging about wanting the old back is only slowing the process and demoralizing a potential good change before even seeing it. Nostalgia is neat, but get over being selfish guys. Many have asked for this change and we're finally getting it, so stop complaining about what you asked to have for once in your lives