Salutations! I've been trying to register a game account in order to join the MapleRoyals community but have had no luck successfully registering. I have not received any email confirmations for either of the two account names I tried to register. After attempting to register under one account name I thought perhaps the name was already taken and I simply wasn't receiving an error as such so I tried under a different account name to no avail. I have checked through all of my email's folders in order to see if the validation was trapped under Spam. When attempting to login to the Control Panel under either of the two account names I input the name and password, check the "I am not a robot", I see the green check mark and then click login, and then I am given the generic "The username or password is incorrect. Please try again. You will be redirected in 3 seconds Am I missing something? E: I had no issues registering for the forums. I received an email confirmation in less than a minute.
from what i've seen so far in the forums,registration is disabled,i do not know when it will be activated and hope one of the staff will reply with an ETA
I really want to jump into the game, but from the chats I have heard its been closed for 2 months (?!) I REALLY HOPE IT OPENS AGAIN SOON ; - ; i really REALLY wanna play
unfortunately we dont have game registration available yet for new players