Why was I not invited? o: We all know by now I'm the cutest with applehoodie, with maybe the exception of Steph.
"pulling a Laura" now means 2 things: Dying in a noobspot F*cking up scrolls This list will be updated as there will surely be more Laura noobness<3
Thread updated, now all the screens are in 3 sections: 1 Official Inferno Photoshoots. 2 Inferno in Daily Life Random screenshots of Inferno members in random places, Basicly selfies 3 "Pulling a Laura" Dying cause screwing up horribly or failing at scrolling a good base equip
Name: Charles In-game name: Royalty Age: 22 Location & Timezone: USA, EST Why do you want to join Inferno?: Seems to be the balance of the welcoming and relaxed environment but still can get shit done that I am looking for. Do you know some people from Inferno?: Not yet What do you do a lot on MapleRoyals (training, hunting, questing, bossing, etc)?:I love to boss. I have yet to achieve a bossable level on Royals, however soon enough I will. So for now I just train and if I need a break I quest and merch! Give me a random word, picture or video you think is awesome. Word:Moist
1. Please. We can do anything, we have sexiness and awesomeness on our side. 2. Moist is always better. Always.