Hi readers, I am thinking of joining mapleroyals but I got 2 questions which both relate to one another. (1) Does the open beta mean that characters are reset and everyone starts fresh again? If not that's sad for me since I don't feel like joining a server thats been out there for years and everyone has a huge headstart. (2) So if there is no reset how hard will it be to catch up with pro players? Thanks in advance for reading and answering my 2 questions!
There is no open beta anymore so no reset. If by catching up you mean levels, its super easy to catch up If you mean in terms of mesos - that depends on how good/willing you are to learn the market. You can easily make 1.5b per week soon after you start without going lowlife mode if you are willing to roam the free market and learn prices. If thats not for you then there are some braindead ways to make mesos, although you'll have to spend 5-10x more time trying to make the same amount and/or be forced to make a bishop which still doesn't net you nearly as much. Learn the market and you should be really well off in about 3 months. On a side note the phrase "pro players" always gives me a good chuckle XD
1. It is a new source, but progress from the old source is being carried over. There is no beta, just a new source code. 2. "Pro players" as in going and bossing and whatnot, it is relatively easy. Then again, what is relatively easy for us no life grinders may not be easy to someone who plays the current GMS where you can level to 100 in an hour. Money-wise there are a lot of different ways to make bank on this server, and the daily vote for NX helps cushion your mesos. Of course when you just start out you will not instantly have billions of mesos (unless you gach a bunch of cs/ws), but put a little bit of time and effort into it and you will find that money is relatively easy to make. In addition, we have a small group of players wanting to start fresh with the new source, you can check it out here.
1)The open beta was for testing the new source. Clearly not enough testing was done 2)That depends on what you consider a pro player. Do you consider the top echelon on the server the pro players. Or just anyone who can go horntail. If it's the latter you will have no problem at all getting to that point. Catching up to the others may be a little challenging just because the majority of them have played for 2+ years and have developed relationships with a lot of people which helps a lot. If you do plan on playing this server I would highly suggest making a bishop. You can fairly easily make 100m+ per hour at gobies. Which could help you catch up to a lot of other people. I wouldn't try the game for the next month or two though. Wait until the new source is fully functional.
You're not going to make 100m+ an hour at gobies, especially now that SI doesn't effect genesis, blizzard, or meteor. I'd crank it down to more like a ~75 average. I agree with everything else you said though.
(1) No reset. (2) pro-player? 5 year's is good for you? i think Mapleroyal's have a great nice people to meet. pluse they give you chance to easyway make you. you don't need care abut money because everyday you can voted site and got 8K NX. -Buy AP reset sale for 9-10M. -T.Rock. -Gatcha ticket's. Read the Gudie's and have a fun
1) I don't think there'll be a wipe. 2) As @Nineskies said, you just need to learn the market to catch up. And with a bishop as additional income, you'll catch up in no time as long as you put in the effort. 'Cuz mind you, most have been playing for 2+ years
Right now the game is pretty much switching from v62 to v83 but better. This is custom coding where they are fixing the game and customizing it. Once they fix everything and the game is back up and running, the server will be number 1 again! Totally worth playing!!! Just check back in a few weeks (or sooner) for updates!!
I think at this point you should invest in other private servers. The time it will take for them to fix the server and bring it up to full function (2-3 months) you'll be able to be at a decent place (4th job, average or above average gears) with other working servers as long as you put in the time
dont see any point join to dead server. or they will return to the old source (what will preserve the 30-50% of the community) or they shut the server in a few months (mabe earlier) or the last option is that the kervin with the other finishing the job until the end of march and preserve around 70% of the community(what does not seem to happen)
It's too early to speculate right now...perhaps things may take a turn when major functions are fixed. Players who are seasoned are just waiting for the right time to come back, because most of them are online for bossings, etc (unless you're a quest maniac), which are currently not working.