So I'm a bit concerned as to what will happen when people are able to use their nx again. Its been a good 2 weeks of people saving up their NX and seeing how trading and cash shop fixes do not seem to be a priority, I would guess that people will have to save their nx for another 3 weeks at this rate. Now the problem is that once players are able to, they will almost definitely spend most of it on gach which means a huge influx of chaos/white scrolls, whatever is replacing bvm, All kinds of Scrolls, end-game weapons, Pgc's, and not to mention Ap resets. These are all key items that dictate the economy. If these items lose too much of their worth it'll shake up the entire economy (more than likely in a negative direction). The longer trading and cash shop is disabled, the more influx of these items and thus the greater the possible damage. Thus I think that trading and cash shop should take priority in the fixes.
Chaos scrolls and white scrolls usually do not last very long on the market. High-level players use them often. I do hope the massive influx of chaos and white scrolls will result in a better variety of top-tier items. We may see a scrolling frenzy after everyone returns. Your concern with the deflation of these items will ease off after a month or two. Don't forget that many players will use their NX on buying AP resets. Saving up three-weeks worth of NX will allow a player to finish washing in one go.
I think the part where high level players using them is a big part of the problem. It means there will be more perfect items/ chaosed wpn atk gear, which will devalue them. Scrolling frenzies are also a huge problem as that will result in all kinds of items losing their value also. The influx will be temporary but I believe the effects of it will last for quite a while depending on how much longer it takes until trading and cash shop is enabled.
There's really no difference between someone saving and using 35 tickets 3 times, or 105 tickets one time. Those 105 tickets will still have the same results, no matter how long you wait on it. I don't understand the issue at all because everyone would've had that NX anyway, so how does waiting change anything? There will be a temporary surge of items probably, but even then they will get used up fast, so it'll even itself out. Plus, I'd rather the devs work on things with confidence and a pace they're comfortable with, rather than try to rush it out and get it done just because the economy might mess up for a week or so. It'll be fine in the end.
I highly doubt it would affect the economy (reason clearly explained by Sila, so I shall not repeat). In addition, what's the point to have cash shop when the skills aren't working, no maps for training (lack of channels), quests not fully fixed. These are the main factors that will affect the gameplay. Cash shop is merely a bonus that makes the game more interesting. So even if the Cash shop will affect the economy (which is highly unlikely), it is still no reason to be prioritised given that other features are comparatively more critical to the game.
trading and cash shop is the game as far as im concerned and this isnt the first person emphasizing this. Economy is much more important then skills or quests. People play this game to work towards and earn something. Nineskies is the first person to say the obvious but as usual as any important feedback if its not a pat on the back for the royals team they just shut it down. Feedback forums is just royals staff fishing for compliments nothing will change their stubborn path towards 100 daily players
What good are AP resets if you cant level up to use them? What good is the items from gach if you have no purpose for them, because you don't have the skills to level up with? What good is a skill book if the skill doesn't work anyway? :') Skills and such are actually very important, believe it or not. But you're just one set in your ways, thinking what you want and not listening to what we're trying to tell you. It's ALL important, we know that. Let the developers work (aka Kevin), and hold your complaints for something that'll actually matter. What order he fixes something in is kinda pointless to complain about, imo.
So to explain this part let me give you an example: For the sake of the example lets say an average of 2000 gacha tickets are used in royals everyday purchased from nx. That would mean 2k tickets worth of items circulate/consume into the economy in a single consistent day. However the economy has come to a complete halt (meaning no items are exploding, no scrolls are being consumed or sold, etc). But the nx is still racking up which means that once cash shop is available again(lets assume after 5 weeks which is 35 days) there will all of a sudden be 2000x 35 = 70k tickets in a single day. That would mean in a single day there would all of a sudden be 35x more items than usual circulating in the economy BUT the Demand of those items will be that of a single day. This results in supply far exceeding demand, which inevitably means prices will go down accordingly. What you are saying in your argument is true if you look at it in a single player perspective , but if you look at it in the collective of hundreds of players using a larger number of tickets in a short burst it can bring a huge effect. Hope that makes sense XD
You need to also remember that it will take some time for the playerbase to get back up to speed once things like Cash shop and Merchants are implemented due to those who have taken a break for a while. Not to mention the players that have decided to leave the server entirely due to some of the changes as well as the removal of Mac compatibility. I am fairly confident in that it will not have as much an affect as you may imagine.
It's true that there are a lot of factors I didn't mention in my example since I didn't want to over complicate things and like you said it may not be all that impactful after all (assuming it doesn't take months of course). Well it's good for me if the influx happens so oh well, although I feel sry for the not so rich players hehe. Easy Bwahahaha!
From a poor player's perspective, this is a good thing. I want to buy items, weapons and armours at a lower price. So devalue all you can, people! Make things dirt cheap so that I can escape my pleb life!
I agree these functions should be a priority, but I don't agree with your reasoning. I don't think the influx will have a negative effect. It will definitely cause volatility, but as someone mentioned earlier, High LVL players consume WS/CS at very high rates; these influx effects will be temporary. If anything, it might be an exciting economic change. The reason why I think trading and cash shop should be fixed ASAP is player retention. 2 big reasons ppl play private servers in general: Nostalgia, and "Free" NX and other features that typically cost $$. Part of the nostalgia is the community, and trading helps that point hit home. Both of these things are missing in the current "new source" implementation. Gotta get back cash shop and trading!!!
I guess it depends on what is defined as negative. You said that high lvl players consume WS/CS at a high rate which may be true, but a fact that many people seem to be not considering is that WS/CS being consumed doesn't mean they just flat out disappear from the economy. Unlike Ap resets which go into Hp/Stats which are Untradable, WS/CS scrolls have effects on Objects that Are Tradable . This means that when WS/CS are "consumed" they simply reappear in a different form which in this case would be Perfect items as well as Atk shoes/ gloves/ capes. Not to mention more gach = More Perfect & Clean End game weapons and also more production of Clean SCG's, FS, PGC's which means these WS/CS will be accompanied by lots of new items in the market which is necessary for them to be used on. So to put into simpler terms: More Gach = More WS/CS & End game Equips = More Perfectly scrolled/ Chaosed items which means the prices drop = a decrease in difficulty level to reach ideal end game. As far as I know from previous discussions on the forum, being able to obtain Strong end-game items was already considered to be "too easy" and "Not a good thing." This currency stacking will only make that much easier which leads me to assume that this is a "negative" thing. And like you said the effects will indeed be temporary, but that doesn't mean things will be back to normal in 2 weeks. I doubt cash shop is coming back anytime within the next 3 weeks unless they change priorities and this level of currency stacking will have effects which will Gradually decrease over quite a few months depending on when gachapon becomes functional.
While im at it let me also explain one reason why this influx of gach items is good for the rich but not so good for the poor players. The items we've been discussing are mostly high cost items which are hundreds of millions to billions. Which means that it has the potential of effecting even the richest of players in the game. The effects that the gachapon influx will have is going to be relative meaning that depending on how much money you have at the time you will see you will be effected by a % and not by any flat amount. Here's an example. So we have established that the effects will be temporary meaning we are assuming that gachapon items will gradually climb back up in price. So lets say during this influx where prices drop a not so rich Player (Player A) who currently has 600m can now afford a previously 800m weapon since the price dropped 200m. Great! he saved 200m (25%). Ok now lets take that 25% savings to a very rich player and see what happens. So the rich Player ( Player B) has 12b and now thanks to the influx he can now afford a 16b weapon. In this case Player B also saves the exact same % of 25% as Player A, but in terms of actual meso amount Player B saves 4b which is 20x more than Player A who saved 200m. Now fast forward lets say 3 months to where the prices are back to normal. From the influx Player A is now able to sell the weapon he bought for 600m for 800m which nets him a 200m profit. Player B however is now able to sell the weapon he bought for 12b for 16b which nets him a 4b profit. So the result here is that the gap between Player B & A is now 3.8b mesos greater than it previously was. In other words the gap between the rich and poor becomes much wider. In any large scale economy a wider gap between the rich and the poor is always a negative thing
I'm a tad confused as to why there would be an influx of item as you'd so describe. If I look back at June 2016, Mapleroyals had 68k gtop100 votes that month, while in January 2017 Mapleroyals has 33k. To me that sounds like the amount of NX gained this month is halved if not more, and thus I am to believe there would be less new chaos- and white scrolls on the market than there usually would've been. Sure there's the argument that nobody has been able to spend any NX for the last 27 days, but that doesn't really mean that once people can spend their NX that there's going to be more items on the market than there usually would've been. I guess it would've been a completely different story if players obtained more NX during this downtime than they would've normally obtained, but that isn't the case at all which is why I'm confused as to your claim.
Let's say old sauce was still in place, the same amount of nx would have been pumped into the community and wouldn't affect it at all. You seem to blame nx for the "downfall" of the economy, you're forgetting that the amount of mesos generated by players dictates all the prices. Nx/items might fall in mesos price but once leeching is implemented again, the amount of mesos pumped into the world world stabilize prices back to normal. Also the end game weps/equips probly be sold at the same price and not be affected, people know the potential worth of their end game weapon/Equips so why would they low ball? TL; DR Mesos dictates nx/equips/items prices, not the other way around. As for ur statement, I think it's rubbish. Royals has a very stable economy, it will stabilize and be fair for everyone
Im not exactly sure what you mean by your question so hopefully I address it properly. I assume your asking why there will be more items in the market. The reason why there will be more items on the market is simply that the economy hasn't moved at all in last 27 days while the currency has been moving. So lets put it this way. If you think in terms of the economy, 0 days have past since the patch because the economy has been halted since the patch came in to place. However the gain of currency has not been halted along with the economy which means its been 27 days of currency gain. Let's just say, by the time the economy starts again everyone will have an extra 300k nx from voting compared to when the economy halted. So once the cash shop comes in and the economy starts flowing again, it means people will basically in 1 economy day have gained and extra 300k nx worth of items all of a sudden. Another way to explain it is this. Since no scrolls have been consumed and no items have exploded, the demand for scrolls and equipment are pretty much the same as the day before the patch. However the supply has been increasing as people are gaining more nx everyday = more gachapon tickets = more scrolls and equips. So basically the Supply is becoming greater by the day while the Demand is staying the same and that is in essence the issue.
You know there's some people that have saved up 300+ ws/cs? There's probly a player out there that has stacked up the same amount ws/cs the whole community would have generated in 1 month (if not close), ws/cs isn't just used on items, it's also used to "go above the mesos cap". IMO this thread has no point at all. Mesos dictates prices not nx/items/equips. Yes nx does affect it a little but just give it time to stabilize and stop complaining. IMO leeching should be prioritized before cash shop, 1 month with out mesos getting pumped into the community Is the real problem.
I really don't know if this is a troll post or not XD So basically what your saying is that the number of mesos is the only thing that dictates the price of items. I hope you understand how absurd that is. If what you said was true that would mean the rarity/scarcity of something is absolutely irrelevant to the value of an item which is most definitely not the case as if that were true then everything would cost exactly the same amount. And Leeching does not pump mesos in the economy, as the mesos just go from one player to another which results in actually taking some mesos out because of tax. And lastly this statement So your saying that the supply of end game equips is irrelevant to the price? No matter how important something is, the more there is of it the more the prices will drop. This is the absolute most basic thing about economy....