Closed Ban appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal' started by Aallas, Jan 25, 2017.

  1. Aallas

    Aallas Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2015
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    Its been long time since ive visited the forum and the server itself. Well im not sure if you do remember my situation but before wipe i gave my username and password to my real life friend whos item i had on my account and he had to take it, i was myself in the army and i couldnt access the game myself there only phone net for facebook and skype. Im not sure what he did on my account because when i came back from army the server was wiped and i registred new account ofcourse to the server in here and at start i didnt have much time to play so i just kept voting to support the server postiton on the Gtop100.
    After i had more time i came back to the server, i played and im not sure where it came out that i was banned before on my account (before wipe) because of my friends actions (account sharing) and i was banned once again because of ban evading, i also didnt know i was actually permanently banned for it. I have done some appeals about my ban but i dont know why im not getting an chance to secure my account the way it suppost to be.

    Now i decided to re-check the part about account sharing and i noticed that its 30-day ban for a first offence:
    1. Account Sharing - The act of sharing your account information with any other individual, or the act of logging into or otherwise using an account owned by another person, with or without permission, regardless of whether or not the information was directly or indirectly shared. Punishment: First offense - 30 day ban, Second offense - Permanent ban. Please be aware that, in cases of severe abuse as per discretion of staff, we reserve the right to respond with a permanent ban regardless of if it is your first offense. See appendix for more information.
    Now i decided to PM you as being administrator to ask if my ban could be lifted if it says 30 day ban for a first offence.
    Im not sure what my ID was but i think my IGN was "Money".

    Im hoping to get an reply back from you guys!

    Character Name: Money
    Last thing you did: Dont remember it was quite time ago.
    Why do you think you got banned?: Account sharing
    Ban message when attempting to log in: Dont know, havent tried.
    What GM banned you (optional): Dont know, havent tried logging in.
  2. Dimitri

    Dimitri Saint of Horses

    Dec 15, 2014
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    If we're going to quote the T&C, please include to read this part before doing so:
    You've attempted to appeal your ban multiple times, through ban appeal threads and through private messages, and at this point we're no longer willing to assist you with this matter.
    You broke the account sharing rules when they stated that any account sharing offence would result in a permanent ban, and the punishment the rules stated at the time is the one you have received.
    Just because the rules have changed over the years, does not mean that your punishment has.
    With that said, please refrain from making any further ban appeals or we might have to restrict your forum access.
  3. Aallas

    Aallas Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2015
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    Just because you got kicked out of russia doesnt mean you gotta be like an ass...
    Adorette, AhLiGaddo, yes and 3 others like this.
  4. Dimitri

    Dimitri Saint of Horses

    Dec 15, 2014
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    Let's just not resort to such immature comments.
    I would've replied in a more friendly and polite tone if you were to finally understand what the word 'no' means, but you show not to which is why we're having this same argument over and over again.
    You were banned for account sharing before the wipe in 2013 happened, and you tried to play again afterwards.
    After the wipe in 2013, Staff has told you that you were no longer allowed to play on this server ever again, yet you seemed to have ignored that completely when you came back in 2015 to play on a character called 'Money'.
    With that said, you were well aware that you were evading a permanent ban at the time, and when you got caught we banned you again.
    If you need to refresh your memory, here's the thread where we've told you that your ban is not going to be lifted:
  5. Aallas

    Aallas Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2015
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    Obviously when i get such mean reply from you like its my fault i reply with the same.

    Also like i have told before, i didnt even know that i was banned for account sharing, i wasnt able to even play when the wipe was in progress, i joined after wipe again like everyone else on this community.

    And i have also told you guys before, i do not know what for exactly i was banned before, i knew it AFTER i was banned on Money. I wasnt even hiding anything, if i was knowing that i was banned for something before wipe exactly then i understand that i would of not told to nobody nothing but yet here we are on this situation. Im not a 20 years old or younger who cant understand nothing or shut his mouth and just hide the fact that i was banned perma and not welcomed back to the server but i didnt know i was perm banned, all i know that i joined after wipe, server was wiped and start clean for every player and so did i. And again, i didnt know i was banned before wipe, i was serving in army and having only access to the internet on phone, no computers obviously not allowed in the army.

    I did also post the skype convo between me and the person who was accessing my account but i told him NOT TO DO THAT. Phone didnt let me change password and nothing so i was just beliving my friend that he took his item and left my account alone, that was before wipe. If its needed i can talk to that person again who "took his item off my account" and post another convo.

    I couldnt go on myself to give him my item because yeah i was in the army! If you have been in the army then you should know that no computers allowed. I had back then android phone that didnt open up the slots to change the pw, it didnt even show up slots to login with the account on homepage to vote etc.

    If i would have sayd NO to my friend about not giving back his item, he wouldve reported me for scamming. Perm banned
    What would i have chosen? I chose the way to just give him ID/PW (also he knew them because ive used same on every single server out there on gtop100, ofcourse my mistake for using same everywhere.) so that he can take his dam equip and safely logout. After he told he got his item i tried changing password and like i sayd android phone didnt let me, tried multiple times, multiple browsers and nothing, the site wasnt probably supporting android then or something but i dont know.

    So at this point think about these 2 things:
    Should i've been then reported for item scamming and be permanently banned?
    Should'ive been banned for account sharing so my friend can just take his item off my account and safely log out?

    But what else he did on my account, i dont know. At that time we got along nicely so i trusted his words that he just took the item and logged off!

    Enlighten me please with these 2 last questions because i find myself cornered at this point.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2017
  6. Dimitri

    Dimitri Saint of Horses

    Dec 15, 2014
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    As far as I'm aware scamming is not something you get permanently banned for, unless you already got banned twice before for an offence in the same category.
    So getting reported for scamming sounds like a way better option than giving him your account information, since giving away your account information is a permanent ban worthy offence.
    Either way, you chose to give away your account details and with that you have broken the rules, there's nothing we can change about that anymore.
    Personally I think you should've asked a member of Staff for help before you made the decision, rather than after you already went ahead and made the wrong one.
  7. Aallas

    Aallas Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2015
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    I think scamming was perm ban offence.

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