Dude are you i feel like you'r just arguing just to kill time.... leeching does not "just" transfer mesos from 1 player to another, in old sauce i pumped around 4-5b into the market from just npcing in 2 weeks from selling gobies leech.(yes 4-5b just from selling equips to npc). you clearly have no clue what you'r talking about. it does have an affect but it will stabilize very fast. You do understand there is players with 500+ ws/cs that could crash the ws/cs prices at anytime? even if they did chose to crash it it would go back to normal either way. You are looking at a small part of the market and overreacting, you need to understand the whole market too understand how it gets affected. The nx that was generated would have been generated either way if the server was fully functional. You know the end game items from gach (equips) has a insane demand after them? i doubt perfect sleeve/st/ski will be affected but lower stats ones might be, even so you can just hold on to em and wait for the prices to stabilize.
Ok what you said about people using CS/WS to go above the cap and some players having saved up 300+ws/cs is without any doubt true, i have absolutely no arguments there. But so what if a player has like 80,000 chaos and white scrolls if that person isn't going to be bringing them back into the market in a short burst? Players with 100's of chaos/ws have them because they need it, so they wont be selling them. But what about the majority of players who really need the money from gach items? theres going to be 100's of people selling their multiple CS/WS as soon as gachapon is functional which means thousands of extra CS/WS will be coming in the market all of a sudden. As for this statement, Leeching does not pump mesos in the economy, it transfers it. Before you say that "this thread have no point at all make sure you understand it first
have you even tried owling in old sauce? there was always someone buying out the entire ws/cs market each week if not more, even if you put up cs up for 350m it could have been sold to someone who bought out the whole market on that day. i doubt the sudden influence of more ws/cs in the market will do much, the demand is pretty high. Even if the amount of ws/cs is higher than the demand it will stabilize after a while. Also you keep overlooking this word, STABILIZE. my point is you'r overreacting and if poor you should just wait a little until the ws/cs prices are normal before you sell yours.
I didn't bring up the same thing to you, you just replied to what I said to someone else, and you made your previous reply while I was in the process of replying to your previous post. Lastly your equivalating leeching to farming, but they are not the same thing. You can pump the same amount of mesos into the economy by npcing equips even you weren't leeching a player there... Anyways ok, I was looking to have a proper discussion here, but it looks like your main objective is to insult me so I'll just stop here
I'm not trying to insult you, but you keep arguing about certain key points way too much, as an example leeching, what motivates people the most to farm a mob? that is leeching, there iss no denying that leeching motivates people to farm mobs and generate mesos into the market. It's probably the number 1 contributor for mesos generated. Also gm's have given you answers already yet you keep arguing, kinda pointless, also I'm terribly sorry i just realized you quoted someone, (was replying from my phone, my bad) either way the devs should just work on what they think its the best coding wise, we shouldn't push our agenda on to them. They should work on what they think it's best, they are are the one that know which area needs to be focused before another (from a coding perspective). My opinion still stand tho, nx has a lesser impact than you think it does. IMO most of your arguments are overreacted, mesos is the dominant part of the economy and should address this more than nx, also they are adding more nx sinks if u aren't aware.
Alright well I appreciate your apology, I just didn't think calling my thoughts rubbish and telling me I clearly know nothing was very necessary. In any case your right that leeching is the motivator there's no doubt about that but I guess my point was that it is not the direct cause of the mesos coming into the economy. And well I understand not wanting to read all these long posts and skimming through them as I myself do that too, but I have not said that taking this feedback will completely shatter the economy, that nx is more important than mesos, nor did I specify exactly how much value items are going to lose (although I made up numbers for the sake of examples) and I do believe I did mention that I know the effects will stabilize over time. I don't claim to know how much it'll effect the economy, maybe a margin of 30% or maybe something as insignificant as 1% but the point Im trying to make is that it will effect it no matter how little and that the longer it takes the more that effect will be. Lastly I don't believe I pushed my agenda on to the staff at all in this thread, this was just feedback for them to consider and I just answered the gm's questions that they had about it, I don't believe I accused them of doing things the wrong way in this thread. In any case I think it's about time we close the thread since it seems clear that the staff will not change their priorities and we will have to deal with whatever happens or doesn't happen
We would have a lot more people annoyed at us if we prioritised trading and cash shop over getting some of the main skills working in the game. Sure some people only play this game to merch as that is what they find fun, but the majority of players play the game to level up their characters and hunt for items.
When I first made my character on Maple Royals I was disinterested and quit for a few days. I wasn't able to get a Pet from the CS and now that I'm fully into Royals I'm dying to have the CS back to get a pet to loot while I train. :,(
I read through about half of the comments on this post (nineskies is very long-winded). While I want cash shop and trading (and fm!) for obvious reasons, I am willing to wait until more important things are fixed, such as skills, party quests, and some other. However I am very interested in the effect this will have on the economy. The mapleroyals economy is quite interesting to watch and I hope to see what happens for the few days after gacha is re-implemented. I have about 1.5b saved up, and am hoping to see AP resets go down in value, maybe to as low as 5m, and would like to buy while they are low. It feels like a stock trading game. I am also very interested in what is going to happen with ws cs prices, which I think will actually dip below 280m to as low as 250 possibly. While I understand that it may throw the economy whack temporarily, I'm not really sure thats a BAD thing. And like someone pointed out, it looks like there has actually been LESS nx earned per day as opposed to about 6 months ago, so the effects will very doubtfully be long-term. Sounds like fun ^^
How about y'all just stop complaining and quit and come back when everything is functional? Life is fun too, you know :trihard:
We have obviously been discussing and not complaining in this thread, they are two very different words with two very different meanings. If you don't know the difference I can offer you a link to the definitions. And offering feedback on the forums doesn't mean we are not participating in life. The few minutes to hours we spend from time to time doesn't totally negate everything else we do in life.
They shouldn't rush it, rushing is never good. But something needs to be done about this, the gaching is going to be massive. I'm a new player on this server and all, but I highly doubt something like this happened here in the past. Let me try to explain this as best as I can and offer a solution for this issue (sorry guys English is my 3rd language): We are going to have around 1000 active players with 200-300k nx at least for each player. All of them will hit the gach pretty much at the same day\week. That's almost 250k gach tickets hitting the market at the same time. That's a lot of tickets, believe me. On top of that, the FM will be back when the cash shop is back. People did a lots of quests and have hunted lots of items this month. Even without the gacha madness there will be a lot of selling, but nothing too bad. But the gach is going to hit the economy even harder. IMO rushing it is not the answer - manually stopping the massive gach is the solution here. The GMs should somehow "limit" the gach amount on the first week or two. I don't know if it's even possible but if it is, it needs to be done. I'll give you an example from the stock market - when the stock market suddenly crashes overnight like when Trump got elected and Chinese index crash in August 2015 they have stopped it manually in the pre hours trading before the market opened. After that, everything went back to normal again after a small correction. It can work here as well. Yeah, the prices will still drop but it will not be that bad. TL ; DR Prices are going to drop hard, so the GMs need to limit the gacha buying on the first week-2 weeks to 35-70 tickets per day for each account.
I agree with @Sila and @Dimitri and am confused on what you mean. What I would like to say is that for example in my case, I can't save up NX ever. I have 10k, I use 10k on 11 gachas or random NX clothes. With this opportunity of saving up so much NX, of course I'll spend it on Gachapon. So, I bet there's tons of people like me that can't really save up NX and that will take advantage on this, which is perfectly fine. So yeah, I'd say there will be certain more percentage of items on the market than the usual, but, what's the problem on that? People is already stronger than anyone could've imagined once the server was brought to life.
I highly agree with you. Though I don't think that's possible for admins and fair to some players. Many will disagree on this and will just want to jump and spend 300k nx on Gachapon. And, as far as I know, which I'm not that old player either, this has happened before and things got back to normal eventually. (couple of weeks)
If you agree with TopKEK here your basically agreeing with the things I have posted as I am saying pretty much the same thing with the only difference being that Topkek offers a different solution to the same problem. Hope that answers your question above
This. As a bishop, I am finding it a bit rougher to train/leech my mules without the assistance of my pet. I need my pet equips back soon! D: