Hi this is supposed to be nostalgic server, but I don't think voting really provides the type of nostalgia I'm looking for. I think in order to provide a more nostalgic experience for everyone that it should be replaced with 7th grade level homework so I can truly relive the good old days. What do you guys think? When I think of v62 maplestory I think of algebra and huckleberry finn. edit: also if instead of "you have played royals for 3 hour(s) we suggest you take a break from mapling" can it say "go clean your room"? would add to my nostalgia as well.
Whoever moved this thread from feedback to spam I hope that does not imply that I am not being taken seriously and that my nostalgia is not being trivialized.
lemme answer this seriously then... Firstly, voting is integral for royals to stay "blatantly-advertised" within the top ranges of GTOP100. Whenever someone wants to play a maplestory private server, one of the things they would do is to google "maplestory private server". And Gtop100 pops up, ranking the most popular servers to the least. You can see where i'm coming from for this. Not to mention the NX rewarded for voting loyalty helps to retain players This is feasible, but it can't be that every 3hours your room would be messed up, right? What if you played a marathon of 10hours, then that message wouldn't make sense on te 6th and 9th hour. Of course, it can be coded to appear only on the 3rd hour and not thereafter...
It is extra work for GMs. Atleast you don't care and want your childish dreams to come true. P.S How it is nostalgic? It have never been that way, atleast you we're really trying hard at school.
I appreciate your feedback on this issue. You see, being told to clean my room every 3 hours is not because my room is actually continuously becoming messy every 3 hours, but rather reminds me of my mom constantly nagging me to clean it. It really helps me immerse myself in what v62 is supposed to be.
Today's assignment is a 200-500 word essay starting with: What I learned on MapleRoyals today is... In exchange for this you don't have to vote but just to increase the nostalgia, I won't be compensating any of your daily NX. I expect this assignment in my inbox by Monday morning and the best essay will get rewarded with a King-sized Star.